Thursday, December 17, 2015

Charity fair

What I did first for the charity fair was I picked Emily as my partner. We at first we picked an animal charity but that charity didn't give us a lot of information so we changed it to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We choose this charity because it had a lot of information. For our presentation we made a google slide this slide had six slides and they all had some pictures and some words. Our script talked about the fact that my mom had cancer. We also talked about how cancer in a lot of stress. We also talked about how time consuming it is to have cancer and how our charity can help.

After what we did in language arts we had to trace our supplies back to where they came from and find the amount of CO2 that we put into the air every time we get the product. To do this we had to see where the product came from. Then we had to find out how it got to San Jose and how much CO2 that went into the air when it came over. After that we had to find out how far it was (in kilometers) to get here. After that we had to figure out how much of it did we need for our project. If you need a lot then it would be a thousand if you need a good amount it would be five hundred if you need a little then it was two hundred fifty.

After we figured all of this out we had to multiply the amount we need by the amount of CO2 that went into the air when whatever we brought it in gave away and then we multiplied that by the distance. The product that we got is the amount of CO2 that went into the air every time we shipped over that product. The next thing we had to do was we had to pick one product from our list of stuff that we needed to make the product and we had to write a whole paragraph about how we could reduce that amount. For ours we choose the plastic bags that we got from China. Originally it would have come on an airplane but the way that we choose to reduce the amount of CO2 that went into the air we decided that we could bring it over by boat and that made the whole number go down.

 After doing this in math class we had to figure out how much it would cost us to make ten of our product. First we had to figure out how much it cost us to make one and then we multiplied that by ten. After we found out how much it cost us we found out how much we wanted to sell them for then we multiplied that by ten then we subtracted the amount that it cost us to make it and the was our answer on how much we would make if we sold ten of our item. After that we  had yo do the same steps to find out how much we would make if we sold 1000 and 1000000 of our product.

In elective we had to make our trifold poster that would stand outside our table and have all of the work that we did printed and pasted on to the poster. What we needed was to have our ignite presentation and our math calculations our carbon footprint and our step by step instructions on how to make our product. In elective we also set up for the charity fair and sold it to the parents and to the oak grove school district.

Backward looking
I think that I could improve by next time not just saying what our product is and what charity we are doing it for but instead say the process of making the product and about the carbon footprint and the math calculations. I think that this would help us improve because then we could be more convincing about why they should buy our product. I also think that next time we should make more of our product because we sold out.
Inward looking
I think that our work payed off because we raised a lot of money for our charity and we sold out. I really like the way that the trifold poster came out and I think that that was a success. i liked the way  that the letters that we cut out turned out and how the back round wasn't all white and plaine. I think that the one thing that I would have changed was the language arts presentation and the presentation on exhibition night.
Outward looking
I think that we were different from the others because we were the only ones that was selling our item and  we also were the only charity that was a breast cancer charity. I think that we were different as while because our poster didn't look the same and we were the only people in the classroom that had free samples. We were similar to other groups because we had a trifold poster and was selling items. I also think that we were similar to other people because we all had to do the carbon footprint the math calculations and the ignite presentation.
Forward looking
One thing that I would change if we had more time was make more of the product and earlier on in the time that we were selling start advertising the fact that we had free samples. I also think that something that I would work on is making sure that I have enough change for a twenty dollar bill just in case the teacher is not around when someone hands me a 20 dollar bill or something that we can't make change for so that we don't have to turn away customers or make them wait while we try to find the teacher to get change.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The water Cycle and Atmosphere

The water cycle begins with a body of water heats up and turns into water vapor and goes into the atmosphere. This is called Evaporation. Then it cools down it reconnects and turns into clouds. This is called Condensation. Then when the water completely cools down it turns into water droplets or ice crystals. Then the cloud can't hold the wait and the water droplets come down as rain and the ice crystals comes down as snow. When it comes down it may freeze and that is what creates hail. This whole process is called precipitation. When it rains, snows, or hails it melts and goes into the ground or forms rivers or streams and flows back into a lake, ocean, or pond. This process is called Water collection.

The atmosphere has 4 big layers. The first layer of the atmosphere is the troposphere that is the layer where all the weather happens it is also known as the layer of change. The second layer is the stratosphere this is the layer that is above the clouds. If you were to be there right now you would probably see Jets. That is because it has no weather so the planes won't have as much turbulence. If you go above that you will find the mesosphere this is the layer that we don't really know about but it does have meteors. The last layer is theiosphere  this is divided up into two  parts the Exosphere and the Ionosphere. The Ionosphere it where we get all of our tech signal from.



I created an explanation of the atmosphere when I filled out and colored my work sheet on the atmosphere. I also did it when I wrote my 1 and a 1/2 pages of notes in science. This is explaining the atmosphere because it tells us about all the layers of the atmosphere and there jobs. I also explained my work about the water Cycle when I filled out a worksheet on the water cycle. this explains my work because I described the water cycle and all of the parts of the water cycle. I also explained the water cycle through my worksheet because I stated what the water cycle is and why it helps us and the whole world. I think that that is a lot of evidence that explains why I think that I explained the water cycle and the atmosphere through my work.

Is there life in Space?

News | The Solar System and Beyond  by JPL - NASA Have you ever watched sci-fi movies where there are aliens or extraterrestrial life, ...