http://www.bontool.com/images/ catalog/SPARKTAPE_0.JPG |
www.elephantjournal.com |
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Ever wanted to know how to make a backgammon game. Well I know how and you can reserve trash well you make it. Materials needed are Go-go Squeeze eaten pouches, duct tape, card board, dry wall tape, and baby food lids. How you make it. First you have to cut the card board to the size you want your game. Then you cut that in half so that the game is bendable then you put glue on the dry wall tape and put it on both sides and make sure that the pieces are cut to the proper size. Then you have to whip out your ruler and measuring skills with a pencil in hand.
Now what you do is you measure 9 16ths of an inch and you put a mark with your pencil, then you line that mark up with the 1 inch mark. Then from the 1 inch mark measure 1 inch and 2 16ths of an inch and you make a mark then line that mark up with the 1 inch mark and do the same thing repeat untill you can do no more. Then that last mark is the marker of the other side of the border. (cut down if you think border is to big). Then you do the same thing on the other side of the board. Now measure up 5 and 3 qaurters of an inch up from the first mark at the bottom of the page. Now measure 9 16ths of an inch from the border and make a mark then line that up with the 1 inch mark and then measure 1 inch and 2 16ths of an inch. repeat till you have reached the middle of the last two marks on the other side of the board then flip the board and do the same on the other side. Then take your ruler and connect the first mark on the bottom of the page to the closest mark on the top of the page then connect that mark at the top of the page to the mark next to the first mark on the page to make a triangle. Then connect the second mark on the botom of the bar to the second mark on the top of the bar and then connect the second mark on the top of the bar to the third mark on the bottom of the page so on and so on till you reach the end then flip and do the same thing on the other side till you have all of your triangles.
Now it is time for Go Go squeezes. First you cut along the top seam of the pouch right under the mouthpiece till the top opens up then cut along the side seams until they open then rience of the food, then dry after carefully pull on the seams on the bottom till their is a little bit left on the seams then you take you ruler and a sharpie and on the silver side line up the edge of the ruler (when you try to measure things side on the seam) with the seam and on the opposite side of the ruler that the seam is on make a mark the use thee ruler to make a STRAIGHT line. Then 9 16ths of an inch in on the line add a mark then line the 1 inch mark with the mark on the pouch. Then make a mark 1 inch and 2 16ths of an inch then line that mark up with the 1 inch mark on the ruler and make a mark 1 inch and 2 16ths of an inch. Now measure 5 inches and 3 quarters of an inch up from the middle mark and the bottom and make a mark then using the ruler make a STRAIGHT line the 9 16ths of an inch to the left of the mark on the top line and make a mark do the same on the opposite side of the MAIN/MIDDLE mark on the line. Then from the first mark on the bottom of the first on on the top of the pouch use the ruler to make a STRAIGHT line connecting them. Then draw a line from the first mark on the top of the Pouch to the second mark on the bottom of the pouch. Then from the second mark on the bottom line SKIP THE MIDDLE MARK ON THE TOP connect it to the third mark on the top line. Then draw a line from the third mark on the top line to the third mark on the bottom line. Now you start cutting. Cut along the lines made with sharpie untill you have three triangles. then glue them to the board in the lined of triangles in the pattern green, gray, green, gray so on and so on till you run out of triangles repeat this process till no blank triangles remain on the board. As the dry take your duct tape and make a border on the outside of the board. then find some dice and play. Dont forget the rules!
I did not know much about the topic of trash to treasure and how it helps but Backgammon was a strong suit of mine and I was good at it so the moment we had this project i knew what I was going to do.
My standards for the project was have it work look nice and meet all of the expectations of the teacher and the rubric. I think that I excelled my standards and I made a good board game for people to play I think that personally I made it look pretty and I would want to play that game of backgammon even if I did not like the game.
I would give the project an A because it looks neat and like I actually put work into it and it is not last minute. I think that I also would give it an A because it meet all of the standards for an A. Also because it was hard work to make this project. (especially eating all of the Go-Go squeezes).
One thing that I would improve upon is the border and the glueing. Next time I would make it with a glue gun not Elmers glue or maybe even superglue. For the border I should have cut it neater and so some parts weren't bumpy.