What type of magnet can connect through more amounts of paper? This is a question that I had a couple days ago. So I made a hypothesis and a conclusion to find out. My experiment contained of Bar Magnets, Brick Magnet, and Black Circle Magnets. My hypothesis was that: I believe that out of Bar magnets, Brick magnets, and Black circle magnets, that Brick Magnets will hold the most amount of paper. Then I did my experiment. What you need to do this experiment is Bar magnets, Brick magnets, and Black Circle magnets. You will also have to have lots of pieces of paper and a flat surface.
First you put a magnet on a the flat surface then you put a couple pieces of paper on top of it then you put the matcher of that magnet on top of the paper then lift the paper and see if the magnets go with it. If the magnets connect and the magnet on the bottom is lifted then take the magnet of the top of the stack and add more paper. Do this untill the magnets no longer connects and the bottom of magnet is not lifted. If the bottom magnet is not lifted up then take the magnet of the top of the paper and take away one piece of paper away from the top of the stack then try again. Do this untill the bottom magnet is not lifted. Then count the amount of paper that was in between the magnets that is the amount of paper that those magnets can connect through. Then repeat these steps with the other magnets.
I planned and carried out an investagation in class when I made an experiment to test what type of magnet can connect through more amounts of paper. I found that my hypothesis was correct and that brick magnets can connect through the most amounts of paper. Brick magnets can connect through 250 pieces of paper. Bar magnets can connect through 27 pieces of paper. Black Circle magnets can connect through 168 pieces of paper.
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