Friday, April 28, 2017


What is a bioindicator? A bioindicator is a living thing that is sensitive to changes in it's habitat. Scientist, Miners, and People use them to test for harmful things that could be in the air, water, or anything around you. Canaries, water fleas, and starfish are just a few examples of bioindicators. Miners used to take Canaries into mines because they were sensitive to harmful gasses. So if your canary suddenly dies well get out of the mine. Scientists can and do use starfish and water fleas to test the water. Just like the canary water fleas are sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals in the water. The starfish is sensitive to heavy metals and tell scientists if there is heavy metal pollution in the water.


I used evidence to define my explanation when we had a class argument on whether the water fleas in the river where dieing because of chlorine or something else. Also when I argued that I do think that the chlorine is killing the fish.

Friday, April 7, 2017

Our way of electricity
We have many ways of getting electricity. 6 of the ways we get it are Wind, Solar, Hydropower, Natural Gas, Geothermal, Coal, and Nuclear energy. Wind energy is when the sun heats the earth and creates wind. Then we build giant structures made out of steel called windmills that the wind blows and the force of the windmills spooks moving makes energy. Solar energy is when people put things called solar panels on their roofs the sun heats them up and they turn the heat into energy. Hydropower energy is when people use the water in streams to turn a wheel in the water which then makes energy. Natural gasses are dug up from the ground and burned to make energy. Coal is the most popular form of getting energy and is mined for and burned to create energy. Then there's geothermal energy which is when you drill a whole in the earth and you use the energy from below earths surface. The last of the 6 is Nuclear, nuclear energy is when we use nuclear things and fuse them together in a process called fussion.


To show the greenhouse gasses and how they effect us we drew a graph of how the temperature is slowly rising over time. This relates to the way we get energy because the energy sources that we use can sometimes give out greenhouse gasses. Greenhouse gasses then create a layer around the earth that traps in heat and makes the earth warmer.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Greenhouse gasses and how the effect us.,_in_2005,_by_sector.png

Greenhouse gasses are gasses such as Water vapor (H. 2O), Carbon dioxide (CO.2), Methane, Nitrous oxide (N. 2O), Ozone and Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Greenhouse gasses are called greenhouse gasses because they cause the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is when to many greenhouse gasses are released into the air and they get trapped in the atmosphere creating a glass like layer over earth causing the heat to be trapped in the first few layers of the atmosphere causing the earth to heat up. Their for acting like a greenhouse. The heat of the earth has always been rising but when we heat up the carbon cycle and produce more greenhouse gasses we make it rise dramaticly.


I explained greenhouse gasses and how they affect us when I did a online lab and answered questions about what exactly changes and how do different thing react to the heating of the earth and the gasses. I also explained how dramatically the temperature is rising and how if we don't do anything about it how much the temperature will rise through the online lab.

Is there life in Space?

News | The Solar System and Beyond  by JPL - NASA Have you ever watched sci-fi movies where there are aliens or extraterrestrial life, ...