Friday, April 28, 2017


What is a bioindicator? A bioindicator is a living thing that is sensitive to changes in it's habitat. Scientist, Miners, and People use them to test for harmful things that could be in the air, water, or anything around you. Canaries, water fleas, and starfish are just a few examples of bioindicators. Miners used to take Canaries into mines because they were sensitive to harmful gasses. So if your canary suddenly dies well get out of the mine. Scientists can and do use starfish and water fleas to test the water. Just like the canary water fleas are sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals in the water. The starfish is sensitive to heavy metals and tell scientists if there is heavy metal pollution in the water.


I used evidence to define my explanation when we had a class argument on whether the water fleas in the river where dieing because of chlorine or something else. Also when I argued that I do think that the chlorine is killing the fish.

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