Monday, August 21, 2017

Why I returned to Adventure

          I Returned to Adventure because I like that it is a hands on learning experience. I also returned because it is a good learning program and experience. I like that we work in groups and do many projects. I also like the fact that it is a stem school because I feel like those are needed and good skills to have and have learned because lots of jobs in the silicon valley require at least one of the skills that is a part of stem. I also like how this program is technology based because our world is becoming more and more technical.

           I also find it very fun because it is a great learning experience because you get to work in a  group for a project practically every week. I also like that it is a magnet school because then 5th and 6th graders get a chance to make friends and learn about middle school and how it works and so they have more of a chance to feel comfortable with the periods in the day and the classes and the teachers instead of coming straight into a big middle school and have to learn how to move from class to class and have to get used to having more than one teacher in a day and having more then one class. This is why I came Back to Adventure.

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