Did you know that chemistry is much more than just mixing chemicals? Well if you answer to that was no, then you would be surprised. Chemistry is a mixture of Matter, Elements, Mass, Volume, Density and understanding the things around you. Chemistry starts with the Atom. The atom is the building block of life. It is made of Electrons Neutrons and protons. If you made a grapefruit the size of the earth and filled it with blueberries, a blueberry would be the size of an atom. To see the nucleus (The part that contains the protons and neutrons) you would have to make the blueberry as big as a football stadium and the nucleus would be the size of a marble. An element is something that is made up of only one type of atom. A molecule is a mixture of two or more atoms like H2O or CO2. A compound is a molecule that has 2 different types of atoms like the H2O example above. All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds. This brings us to Matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass, like a piece of paper-mass is how much matter is in something-matter is made up of three things Mass, Volume, and Density - volume is how much space there is- some of you may be familiar with the equation Volume divided by Mass equals density. I like to think that density is the ratio of Mass to Volume. All this info that you just read is only one part of the science that is Chemistry.
SP2: Using Models
We used models when we were watching a video on just how big is an atom. We used the model of the grape fruit to explain that if you blew a grapefruit up to the size of the earth the atoms inside would only be the size of a blueberry. We also used the size of a football stadium to show the size of the nucleus. which would be that if we blew that blueberry / atom to the size of a football stadium the nucleus would only be the size of a marble and well everything else in between would just be empty space.
XCC: Systems and system models
During this week I saw a system on how everything in life was because of Chemistry. I saw this system at school learning about chemistry and putting together all the building blocks of life the elements, atoms, molecules, compounds, matter and how it all came together. I saw it at my house when I was doing my chores and it started me thinking of what everything was made out of how it was made. It all came back to chemistry. The simple building blocks of life that everyone learns in fifth grade and it all came down to a simple but big picture, Chemistry. I saw the system of life through the atoms that make everything. I saw systems in the compounds and molecules that were made of atoms that were the reason we have chemistry I saw the systems in every little part of chemistry, every question I answered, and every model and hands on learning experience that we did. I simply saw systems in the working all around me. This is very much why I feel that systems are important, systems are everywhere, and is a great example of how I can take over the world by learning systems. All because we are a living system.
I think that this week I was a cross between a creator and a initiator because I both asked and answered questions. I also think this because I was always willing to give something my best shot and raise my hand in class to answer questions. But I feel like I was an initiator because I was able to start conversations and ask questions about things.