Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Letter to King Arthur 9/6/17

Dear King Arthur,

         I have been researching the crowns your nights have brought me and finally I found the right crown. The right crown was crown 4, brought by Gawain. It was a mass of 3474 g or grams and was a volume of 180 cm3 or centimeters cubed which is a density of 19.3 g/cm3. Which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is also the density of pure gold. To further explain how my finding is right I have constructed a letter to tell you more about the proof I have.

      The further proof that I have is the material that the other crowns are made out of. Crown 1 brought by Lancelot was a mass 1890 g and a volume of 180 cm3. This created a density of 10.5 g/cm3 which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table"  just happens to be the same density as the resource silver. Crown 2 brought by Percival was a mass of 486 g and a volume of 180 cm3. This makes the density of 2.7 g/cm3. Which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is the density of Aluminum, not gold. Crown 3 which was brought by Bedivere has a mass of 1404 g and a volume of 180 cm3. Which is the density 7.8 g/cm3 which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table"  is the same as the density of steel. The last and final crown that is wrong if crown 5 brought by Galahad. It was a mass of 2430 g and was a volume of 180 cm3. This was a density of 13.5 g /cm3  which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is also the density of lead.

      The definition of density is how much stuff is in a certain space which is where the equation mass or grams (g) divided by volume or centimeters cubed (cm3). This is the equation that I used to find the density of the crowns. I also checked my work so you can believe me with no doubt that Crown 4 brought back by Gawain is the solid gold crown.

Jane Partsch 

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