Friday, September 11, 2015

letter to the board 9/11/15
I wrote a letter to the board saying that we need science for education. In this letter I wrote about how science is knowledge, science is the  understanding of the forces of nature, and how science protects you from lies. I choose these because I personally think that these chooses were the best because I feel like these expresses science the best and that i can explain the best.

back-ward looking:
I believe that I did not know much about this subject when I started but know I feel like I know alot more know that I learned this stuff.

in-ward looking:
I feel like I did a good job of writing this letter. I think the best part was the topics that  I chose.
If Iwere a teacher I would grade my essay wit an A+ because it has  good  spelling and  good grammar  and also it has 7 paragraphs. 
Forward -looking: 
One thing that I would change is the neatness  of my writing I feel like it wasn't the best I could do.

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