Thursday, September 3, 2015

Regular oreo vs duoble stuffed oreo


Are double stuffed Oreo's really double stuffed? Hypothesis: If the double stuffed Oreo's are really double stuffed than they will be twice as tall and twice as heavy. Materials needed: One balance, a ruler (metric), beads, a regular Oreo. a double stuffed Oreo, two cups.

       Steps: First you get out a regular and a double stuffed Oreo. Then you make a grape to keep your data in. Draw a line with lines going through  the line that you just made. Then right the kind of the Oreo next to the little spaces that you made this is were you will put your data. Then place the ruler standing right side up and using the centimeter side of it. Measure the height of the cookie. Then lets say you measured 1.10 then you will subtract 0.60 because the size of the cookies are 0.30 and their are two cookies. Then you will put this in you will put this in space on the line that the cookie that you measured. then do the same with the opposite cookie.

    Then draw another graph this time it's for weight not height. Put the two cups in the balance then if it is not straight then put some beads in the cup that is higher until it is the same height. Then take out the beads that you just put in and count them that is how many beads you will subtract from the amount of beads that you count later. Then put what ever Oreo you want to into a cup then put enough beads to make it even. Then subtract the beads that you just counted before. Then subtract 184 beads because that is the weight of the cookies. Then put that in your data that is the weight of the cookie then put this in your data and do it agian with yor opposite cookie then from this make a conclusion. My conclusion is that double stuffed Oreo's are not double stuffed.

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