Friday, October 28, 2016

The Savanna
The Savanna is a dry hot climate. It is home to over 56 different species of animals. It is also a home to over 1000 different types of plants. It gets an average of 15 - 25 inches of rain each year. One of the animals that live their is the Cheetah. The cheetah has made many changes and adaptations to survive. Some of his Physical adaptations are great eyesight so that they can see far through the long tall grasses to see their prey. Long Claws so that they can sink their claws into their prey because they have small mouths. Flat Tails so that they can keep their balance make sharp turns and to help steer them. Spotted/Camouflaged so that their prey can’t see them when they creep up on them. Hooks on the back of Pads to stop abruptly to get their prey. Some Behavioral adaptations were hunting during the day because that is the only time that they can see their prey. They only drinking water every 3-4 days because the climate is dry. They hunt alone so that they draw less attention. A plant that lives on the savanna is a Umbrella Thorn Acacia. The umbrella thorn acacia has adapted to the savanna. Here are some of the adaptations that it made acacia’s don’t need a lot of water so they can live in places where it does not get much rain. Acacias have a long deep root to suck up more water. Little leaves so it does not lose water. Umbrella shaped top to get more shade. Thorn’s to keep away things that want to eat it.


I did not know much about the subject and the savanna before I studied it. But I did know a lot about the Cheetah. The Umbrella Thorn Acacia I knew a little about. I think that I have learned a lot about everything and that was very interesting because I learned about the same about everything even though I was at different levels of knowing things.


I learned a lot about how I like to design google slides and how I work really well on my own. I also learned that I will always learn things even if I think that I know as much about that subject as I think is possible. I also learned that I like to research animals and plants.I know that I learned about that I like to learn about others things I have never studied before.


I would give my project an A because it has a lot of good information on the savanna and the animals and plants that I choose. I would also give it an A because I did it on time and it was complete and it had all the information that we needed to put on and I added even more extra credit.


What I want to do next time is maybe I could colaborate more with my group because we just really used each other for help. I think that I also would want to put more focus on my Savanna extra credit slide because it did not have as much information as the other slides but that might have made it over powering because that was not the focus.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Habitats and Environments and how animals adapt to them.

A Habitat is a place where an animal makes it's home and hunts in. Usually a "Confined" or small area. A Environment is a place where many animals live. Usually a big unique place. Like a Rainforest. Habitats and Environments  provide animals with there many needs to live. Like Foods, Oxygen, Water, Shelter, and Protections. But it also provides animals with challenges.  So the animals change and to be able to live in the environment or habitat. These changes are called adaptation. Their are two different types of adaptations. Behavioral and Physical adaptations. An example of a behavioral adaptation is how squirrels store nuts in trees and holes for the winter to have food. An example of a Physical adaptation is how giraffes have long necks to reach  the tree leaves to get food. Adaptations are sometimes confused with Instinct. Like when a salmon comes back to the river where it was born to give birth to it's babies. This is an example of Instinct though some argue that it is a behavioral adaptation.


In class we had an argument on whether or not salmon moving upstream was a Behavioral adaptation or Instinct. I argued that it was instinct because it is not really an adaptation if you don't need it to survive. But I guess that you could say that it is a behavioral adaptation because part of animals 6 needs is to reproduce. but the salmon could probably lay their eggs in the ocean, so it is arguable.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Giant Cells

Image result for images of eggs soaked after being soaked in vinegar in saltwater
                Have you ever wanted to see a cell with your bare eyes. Well guess what. You can. Did you know that a egg without its shell is the biggest form of a cell. So my class did an experiment on what happens to cells in different solutions. This is called Osmosis. The materials that you need to do this experiment are vinegar, at least 4 eggs, corn syrup, salt water, and water. You will also need a container with an easy open lid, and a label maker or label and pen and a scale that measures weight in grams. First you soak all of the eggs in vinegar overnight. Then the next day you pour out all of the vinegar that was in the containers with the eggs and put the eggs back in. Then you put a label on each container the first label will say "A" the next one will say "B" and so on and so on until you have labeled all of the containers. You should have at least 4 containers labeled A-D. I am only going to go up to D. Container A is going to be your "Control" which is vinegar. Container B is going to be Corn Syrup. Container C is going to be water. Container D is going to be salt water. If you have more than 4 containers then you can put whatever you want in their. Then you leave them in there overnight. The next day you take out your scale and you measure how much they weigh in grams. Then you write them down. Notice that some eggs will be bigger than other this means that they are reacting to the solutions. Then the next day you weigh them again. then compare the weight that they were the day before to the weight they are now. ( Container A should have stayed the same weight). Notice that some of the eggs are heavier than they used to be, this means that the solution they were in was Hypotonic. If the egg seems to shrink or lose weight that means that the solution it was in was Hypertonic. If the egg stays the same weight that means that the solution that it was in was Isotonic.  You Can do it for as many days as you want. (I only did it for two).


I planned and carried out an investigation when I observed and kept data about the eggs we did experiments on in class. I observed how the eggs looked and felt and kept data about the weights of the eggs and if their weights went down or up in grams and if they were Hypertonic, Hypotonic, or Isotonic. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. How do the relate and differ.


How they Differ.

First Photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is the way plants make their  "food". To do this you need Light/Energy or L,  Carbon dioxide or CO2, and Water or H2O.  First the plant combines the CO2 and H2O in it's Chloroplast. Then when you add light the combine and mix to make a chemical reaction and provides Glucose (the plants "food" or sugar) or C6H12O6 also it makes Oxygen or O2.

Next we have Cellular Respiration.
Cellular Respiration is the process of making Energy and Nutrition and Oxygen for your body. To do this you need Glucose or C6H12O6 also you need O2. First the Glucose goes into the Chloroplast and turns into Pyruvic acid and some energy. Then the Pyruvic acid comes into the Mitochondria and combines with the Oxygen. This makes Water or H2O, Carbon Dioxide or CO2, and Energy or E.

How they Relate

If you didn't already know or observe is that the Components or Reactants of Photosynthesis ( CO2 + H2O + L)  are the Products that Cellular Respiration (CO2 + H2O). Same thing with Cellular Respiration the Products of Photosynthesis (C6H12O6  + O2)  are the Reactants of Cellular Respiration (C6H12O6 + O2 ). So Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis help each other.


I carried out an investagation in class when we did a GIZMO on Cellular Respiration and Photosynthesis. This was where we did an interactive online research center and filled out a work sheet on it. We had to learn what happened in both cycles and how they connected and differed.

Is there life in Space?

News | The Solar System and Beyond  by JPL - NASA Have you ever watched sci-fi movies where there are aliens or extraterrestrial life, ...