Saturday, October 22, 2016

Habitats and Environments and how animals adapt to them.

A Habitat is a place where an animal makes it's home and hunts in. Usually a "Confined" or small area. A Environment is a place where many animals live. Usually a big unique place. Like a Rainforest. Habitats and Environments  provide animals with there many needs to live. Like Foods, Oxygen, Water, Shelter, and Protections. But it also provides animals with challenges.  So the animals change and to be able to live in the environment or habitat. These changes are called adaptation. Their are two different types of adaptations. Behavioral and Physical adaptations. An example of a behavioral adaptation is how squirrels store nuts in trees and holes for the winter to have food. An example of a Physical adaptation is how giraffes have long necks to reach  the tree leaves to get food. Adaptations are sometimes confused with Instinct. Like when a salmon comes back to the river where it was born to give birth to it's babies. This is an example of Instinct though some argue that it is a behavioral adaptation.


In class we had an argument on whether or not salmon moving upstream was a Behavioral adaptation or Instinct. I argued that it was instinct because it is not really an adaptation if you don't need it to survive. But I guess that you could say that it is a behavioral adaptation because part of animals 6 needs is to reproduce. but the salmon could probably lay their eggs in the ocean, so it is arguable.

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