Sunday, March 20, 2016

Electricity starts with electrons. The flow of electricity starts when electrons jump from atom to atom. Electricity is contained by closed paths. But to get the electrons to flow they use composers which are objects that electricity flows through most commonly metals like copper. Then if you surround that by an insulator which are objects the electricity can't flow through most commonly rubber or plastic then that creates a closed path in which the electrons flow through to get to our devices. This contraption is more commonly known as a wire. 

But that is not all. Have you ever wondered how a light bulb lights up. Well here is what happens first the electrons start at the battery. Then they come out of the positive side of the battery. Then they travel through wires to the light bulb then there's a very small wire that only allows one electron at a time this wire is called a filament. Then the electrons have to squeeze through this wire. Then you know when you work hard you start to get hot well electrons are like that to. So when they try to travel through this area then they start to give of heat and light and then they start to almost like transform into heat and light then sense the filament gets light and the filament is in the light bulb it lights it up.  Then when that process is done what is left of it comes back to the negative side of the battery and gets "refreshed". This process is called a circuit. 


In class we drew a model of a circuit like the one shown above. This helps me understand how they work and what they look like the the whole picture makes sense o me and i can create connections and ideas from what I learned. I think that drawing models can help my education because for me they make things easier to understand.

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