Sunday, March 13, 2016

Jadeite is a mineral. Jadeite is green, greenish gray, pale blue and purple, white, and rarely yellow and pink. Jadeite is vitreous it splinters to having uneven chunks when you hit it or drop it. It has a Monoclinic crystal structure. It's hardness is 6.5. It's streak is white.It's Chemical Composition is Sodium, Aluminum, silicate, and sometimes some calcium and iron. Jadeite has a  Conductivity is 14 GPA and 1000K.

Jadeite is a mineral that when mixed with a certain other mineral it makes the Gemstone Jade. Jadeite is used for eons in China and central America as an ornamental and religious stone of deep significance. Jadeite is also found in Gulbashen, which is in the Karakash Valley of People's republic of China. It has also been long known that the Mesoamerica cultures  produced jadeite objects, but for centuries the geological resources have been unknown.But in the later 20th century an in place jadeite deposit was found near the Matuga Valley in Guatemala.

I identified questions to be investigated when I asked myself what my mineral physical properties, where is it found, what is it used for who found it and all sorts of things. I found these things when I looked at mineral galleries found and picked out my mineral and looked at the physical properties and other things that I needed to find out.

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