Saturday, October 28, 2017

Using reactions to figure things out 10/23/17-10/27/17

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Do you know how to classify a reaction? Classifying reactions is when you figure out if the reaction is a Single or double displacement, synthesis, or Decomposition reactions. A single displacement reaction is where one molecule will trade one part or piece of its particle with a different type of atom leaving the traded atom on its own. A double displacement is where two different molecule will trade one part of its molecule with the others, leaving the two 'rejects' together. A synthesis reaction is when two or more atoms come together to create one thing. A decomposition reaction is when a molecule breaks into its separate pieces leaving each part on its own.Not only that but there are two different ways that energy is involved in reactions. Endothermic and Exothermic are the two different ways that energy can be involved in a reaction. An endothermic reaction is a reaction where the products have more energy then the reactant therefor absorbing the energy in the surrounding materials. An exothermic reaction is a reaction where the reactants have more energy then the products therefore the reaction let out heat or energy into its surroundings.  Endothermic reactions are warm because of the energy transfer where as exothermic reaction are cold because of the energy transfer. Reactions are often used to find unknown items. This is done by making chemical reactions between known things and the unknown thing using the same reactants and seeing how each one is different and similar throughout the reaction to identify the unknown substance.

SP4: Analyzing data

We analyzed data when we used chemical reactions to figure out a unknown substance. We had to analyze what happened when we added one substance to another. We had to analyze what happened and make a conclusion on what that unknown substance was. When we had fully analyzed the data we found out that the unknown substance was baking powder.

XCC: Energy and Matter

Energy and matter take part in reactions because of the energy transfer and the fact that they are a catalyst which means that they are used to start reactions. Energy is transferred through chemical reactions in two different ways. endothermic and exothermic reactions. A catalyst is a substance like water or energy or heat that is used to speed up or slow down the rate of a chemical reaction. Matter takes place in chemical reactions through the fact that all of the parts of a chemical reaction is matter.

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