Sunday, November 5, 2017

Acids, Bases and the pH scale 10/30/17-11/3/17

What are the properties of an acid? Well, acids are very corrosive to metals, they taste sour, feel sticky, have a positive ion and they turn litmus paper red. Litmus paper is a piece of paper that when put in a substance turns a certain color depending on its acidity. A base is a substance that is not very acidic. Some of its properties are that it tastes bitter, is slippery or slimy, they are also corrosive to metals, turn litmus paper blue and they have a negative ion. But what's in the middle? If the substance is not an acid or a base then it is a neutral. A neutral is like water and they don't do anything to litmus paper. There are also ways to neutralize acids and bases. Sense they are opposites all you have to do is add them together. For when you add a acid to a base or a base to an acid you will always get at least water and salt which are both neural substances. One way that you can find out if something is neutralized or not is if you use indicator. You add indicator, that will change its color to match the universal indicator pH color chart or scale, and either the acid or the base. Then you have to add an acid to the base or a base to the acid until the substance turns the color green or the universal indicator color for neutral. But what is the pH scale? The pH scale is a color scale that tells you the amount or acidity that is in a substance.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations

We did experiments with the pH scale and neutralizing acids and bases. We used everyday household substances like detergent, water and vinegar. We added those to indicator to test our knowledge of the pH scale and how it works and used that to find out how acidic or basic it was. We then neutralized vinegar and baking soda solution.

XCC: Energy and matter

Energy and matter are involved in acids, bases and the pH scale because energy is a part of the different ions that are properties of both acids and bases. Matter is involved because they are both types of matter.

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