Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Chemistry Mastery Quest 2 Regrade 11/15/17

Question 3:

The question was "In a chemical reaction, the number of reactant atoms?". I answered "does not determine the number of the product atoms". The correct answer was "is equal to the number of product atoms". I see how this was the right answer because in the law of conservation matter it says that matter can not appear nor disappear or change it's identity.

Question 6:

The question was "Reactions that involve burning are classified as?". I answered " Endothermic". The correct answer was "Exothermic". I see how this is the correct answer because exothermic reactions give out heat which is something that happens when things burn.

Question 13:

The question was "Copper (Cu) reacts with oxygen (O) to form copper oxide (CuO). The properties of CuO are most likely?". I answered " Similar to both Copper and Oxygen". The correct answer was " different from copper or oxygen". I see how this is the correct answer because when a chemical reaction occurs the two reactants turn into different products so they would have different properties. 

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