Thursday, December 17, 2015

Charity fair

What I did first for the charity fair was I picked Emily as my partner. We at first we picked an animal charity but that charity didn't give us a lot of information so we changed it to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. We choose this charity because it had a lot of information. For our presentation we made a google slide this slide had six slides and they all had some pictures and some words. Our script talked about the fact that my mom had cancer. We also talked about how cancer in a lot of stress. We also talked about how time consuming it is to have cancer and how our charity can help.

After what we did in language arts we had to trace our supplies back to where they came from and find the amount of CO2 that we put into the air every time we get the product. To do this we had to see where the product came from. Then we had to find out how it got to San Jose and how much CO2 that went into the air when it came over. After that we had to find out how far it was (in kilometers) to get here. After that we had to figure out how much of it did we need for our project. If you need a lot then it would be a thousand if you need a good amount it would be five hundred if you need a little then it was two hundred fifty.

After we figured all of this out we had to multiply the amount we need by the amount of CO2 that went into the air when whatever we brought it in gave away and then we multiplied that by the distance. The product that we got is the amount of CO2 that went into the air every time we shipped over that product. The next thing we had to do was we had to pick one product from our list of stuff that we needed to make the product and we had to write a whole paragraph about how we could reduce that amount. For ours we choose the plastic bags that we got from China. Originally it would have come on an airplane but the way that we choose to reduce the amount of CO2 that went into the air we decided that we could bring it over by boat and that made the whole number go down.

 After doing this in math class we had to figure out how much it would cost us to make ten of our product. First we had to figure out how much it cost us to make one and then we multiplied that by ten. After we found out how much it cost us we found out how much we wanted to sell them for then we multiplied that by ten then we subtracted the amount that it cost us to make it and the was our answer on how much we would make if we sold ten of our item. After that we  had yo do the same steps to find out how much we would make if we sold 1000 and 1000000 of our product.

In elective we had to make our trifold poster that would stand outside our table and have all of the work that we did printed and pasted on to the poster. What we needed was to have our ignite presentation and our math calculations our carbon footprint and our step by step instructions on how to make our product. In elective we also set up for the charity fair and sold it to the parents and to the oak grove school district.

Backward looking
I think that I could improve by next time not just saying what our product is and what charity we are doing it for but instead say the process of making the product and about the carbon footprint and the math calculations. I think that this would help us improve because then we could be more convincing about why they should buy our product. I also think that next time we should make more of our product because we sold out.
Inward looking
I think that our work payed off because we raised a lot of money for our charity and we sold out. I really like the way that the trifold poster came out and I think that that was a success. i liked the way  that the letters that we cut out turned out and how the back round wasn't all white and plaine. I think that the one thing that I would have changed was the language arts presentation and the presentation on exhibition night.
Outward looking
I think that we were different from the others because we were the only ones that was selling our item and  we also were the only charity that was a breast cancer charity. I think that we were different as while because our poster didn't look the same and we were the only people in the classroom that had free samples. We were similar to other groups because we had a trifold poster and was selling items. I also think that we were similar to other people because we all had to do the carbon footprint the math calculations and the ignite presentation.
Forward looking
One thing that I would change if we had more time was make more of the product and earlier on in the time that we were selling start advertising the fact that we had free samples. I also think that something that I would work on is making sure that I have enough change for a twenty dollar bill just in case the teacher is not around when someone hands me a 20 dollar bill or something that we can't make change for so that we don't have to turn away customers or make them wait while we try to find the teacher to get change.

Friday, December 4, 2015

The water Cycle and Atmosphere

The water cycle begins with a body of water heats up and turns into water vapor and goes into the atmosphere. This is called Evaporation. Then it cools down it reconnects and turns into clouds. This is called Condensation. Then when the water completely cools down it turns into water droplets or ice crystals. Then the cloud can't hold the wait and the water droplets come down as rain and the ice crystals comes down as snow. When it comes down it may freeze and that is what creates hail. This whole process is called precipitation. When it rains, snows, or hails it melts and goes into the ground or forms rivers or streams and flows back into a lake, ocean, or pond. This process is called Water collection.

The atmosphere has 4 big layers. The first layer of the atmosphere is the troposphere that is the layer where all the weather happens it is also known as the layer of change. The second layer is the stratosphere this is the layer that is above the clouds. If you were to be there right now you would probably see Jets. That is because it has no weather so the planes won't have as much turbulence. If you go above that you will find the mesosphere this is the layer that we don't really know about but it does have meteors. The last layer is theiosphere  this is divided up into two  parts the Exosphere and the Ionosphere. The Ionosphere it where we get all of our tech signal from.



I created an explanation of the atmosphere when I filled out and colored my work sheet on the atmosphere. I also did it when I wrote my 1 and a 1/2 pages of notes in science. This is explaining the atmosphere because it tells us about all the layers of the atmosphere and there jobs. I also explained my work about the water Cycle when I filled out a worksheet on the water cycle. this explains my work because I described the water cycle and all of the parts of the water cycle. I also explained the water cycle through my worksheet because I stated what the water cycle is and why it helps us and the whole world. I think that that is a lot of evidence that explains why I think that I explained the water cycle and the atmosphere through my work.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Letter to Mr. Cuttatree

Dear Mr. Cuttatree,

I am the Hyacinth Macaw. I am writing to you today to tell you about myself, the role that I play in the rain forest, and why I think that you should reconsider building the Uppity Resort.

My scientific name is the Andorhynchus Hyacinthinus. I am the words largest parrot. My body can be as tall as 33 inches from beak to the tip of my tall. I have dark blue feathers down most of my body. I have yellow on the sides of my face. I have a long gray curved long beak. I have gray feathers underneath my wings and yellow around my eyes. I can have up to 2 babies. I am  a herbivore. I am  also at the top of the food chain.

I love to eat the nuts from the Brazilian nut tree. Along with that I eat nuts, leaves, fruits, berries, and seeds. I eat fruits and berries that are poisonous enough to kill other animals. If you cut down the rain forest that would mean that the nut, berries, fruits, and leaves that I eat will be gone. In other words that means that my food source is gone and  I will begin to die out. Even though I have eaten other animals I have other relationships. In April I can be found by the dead trees and making holes so that I can give birth.

I have no natural predators that means that the other animals in the rain forest don't eat me. Even though other animals don't eat me when I grow old and die I pass my nutrients on to the rain forest for regrowth. But I can be found in Costa Rico being snatched out of their nest and being sold for $200. In the United States I can be found being sold for $4000.

If you were to cut down the rain forest and I were to go extent that would mean that would mean that the rain forest will get less nutrients. With you cutting down the rain forest and me not being their it could destroy the whole rain forest. You might not have known that it would cause this much damage but it might. So I would love for you to reconsider this.


                                                                          The Hyacinth Macaw

Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Macaw 11/9/15-11/13/15

The Macaw is an herbivore. It eats the nuts from the Brazilian nut tree. Along with that it eat other nuts. It does not only eat nuts it also eats seeds, berries, fruits, and leaves. The macaw is at the top of the food chain. The macaw loves to live up in the tall trees of the rain forest. You may also find them near rivers. They tend to love to live in large noisie groups.
These animals have no natural predators but when they grow old and die they pass their nutrients on to the rain forest so that their can  be regrowth in the plants of the rain forest. Even though they have no natural predators in Costa Rica you can find them being snatched out of their nests by humans and sold for 200$. In the united states they can be found being sold for 4000$.
The macaw relies on the things in the rain forest it relies on the trees to give it shelter. It relies on the Brazilian nut tree and other nuts, seeds, fruits, berries, and leaves. the plants in the rain forest re lie on the macaw for their nutrients. If the rain forest does not get it's nutrients that means that food starts to disappear for the herbivores in the rain forest and some of those are eaten by other animals in the ecosystem. So that is the important  of the rain forest and the macaw in the rain forest.
I used evidence to defend my explanation of the reason why Mr. Cutatree should not be able to cut down the rain forest so he can build the Uppity Resort. We used the evidence of the food web of the rain forest to try to convince him not to do it because of what will happen to the the food chain web if he cuts this rain forest down and why we will not like this to happen. Mr. Cutatree in a kind of crazy man and he only excepts letters from animals and plants. I think that that actually helps us because then that means that he might believe it because it is coming from something that comes from that area.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Food conecctions 11/02/15-11/06/15
Mutualism is the relationship between organisms that helps both of the organisms. An example of this is the relationship of the rain bird and the alligator. The alligator just simply sits there with it's mouth open and the rain bird comes and eats the stuff off of the alligators teeth and the alligator just sits there and does not eat the bird. This helps the bird because it give it food. It also helps the alligator because then it gets the stuff off his teeth and does not even have to move to have it done.
Commensalism is the relationship between organisms that helps one and does not harm or help the other organism. An example of this is like a bird in a tree. This is a good example because the bird gets shelter and protection well the tree does not mind at all. This helps the bird because it has a place to stay. It also does not effect the tree in any way the tree does not care what the bird does
Parasitism is the relationship between organisms that helps one organism and harms the other. A example of one of these relationships is a dog and a flea. Because the dog is just walking along and then a flea lands on it it turns out that the flea starts eating the dog. This helps the flea because it gets food. This harms the flea because you would obviously be harmed if someone started eating you.

I explained food webs in my worksheet about what would happen to food webs if an earthquake came to the forest and destroyed the lake. I also had to put in what would happen if all of the animal in the food chain that lived in the lake got extent then what would happen to the animals in the forest that are on the food chain. This explained the food web because it shows how the animals of a food web rely on each other to survive.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

The food chain 10/26/15-10/30/15

Add cap

Plants of all kinds are producers. A producer is an organism that gets it's energy from the sun or in other words do photosynthesis. Like the grass in your front yard, or the flowers in your garden. These are all examples of producers. Organisms that eat other organisms for their energy are called consumers. Then you have the things i the earth that break down the dead or dieing organism these are called decomposers.

There are three types of consumers. You have herbivores these animals are the ones that eat organisms without meat. Then you have carnivores these are the ones that eat other organism with meat. Then you have omnivores these are the ones that eat all organisms like us. Then you have decomposers they are like worms, bacteria and those types of things. They break down organisms that are dead. 

I explained what producers and consumers were in science class when I read an artical about the homboltd squid and had to find all of the producers and consumers from the artical well reading through it. This explained producers and consumers because it gave us examples of producers and consumers that live in the sea.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Project blog 10/19/15-10/23/15

 Your urinary system is the system that gets rid of all the waste. This needs to happen because if the waste is not out of the body then it will get in the way of your waste, will build up and block your other systems from working, and your waste is toxic so it would have killed you before all of this had happened. The skeletal system protects all of the organs and parts of the body that are fragile, they produce the blood in your body, and give it support. if this system did not do this then we would be a blob with no blood or protection so basically we would be dead if it weren't for them. The muscles help us move. So without them we wouldn't be able to move that means we can't get exercise or eat. So we would die. The nervous system gives instructions to the body for what to do and when to do it. Without this system we wouldn't be able to do anything at all so we would die. The digestive system breaks down all of the food that we eat, gives us our nutrients, and keeps us hydrated. Without us what would happen is we would die because we have no nutrients or water in our body. The circulatory brings oxygen and air throughout the body. This needs to happen because if it didn't then we would die of no air. The respiratory system breaths in the air that we need and turns it into the oxygen that we need. So without it their would be no point of having a circulatory system.

Before we began the project all I knew was that we have cells, organs, and tissues in our body.  This was probably because we had no science class at all we did no certain activities that would help us gain this knowledge.
The thing that I think I found frustrating was when we presented it was all ellie speaking and she didn't let other people speak. I thought that this was frustrating because I am a speaker and I have a loud voice and I know that part of the grade is about the presentation skills so it made me and the other people in the group worry about getting a bad grade.

I would give the grade an A- because the project in my opinion was done properly. But I would put it to an A- because of the presenting part of it I would do this because not everyone got a chance to speak.

What I would change if I could redo this project was make sure everyone got the same amount of speaking turns. I would do this because to me it felt like I was trapped inside a shell and not able to come out and speak.

My group constructed an explanation of the urinary system when we tolled the class about what it does for the human body and why it should get the best in a supporting roll award. I think that this was constructing an explanation of this system because it tolled them about it explained it and gave reasons why it should get the adventure award, we even had to draw a picture of it.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

urinary system 10/11/15-10/16/15
The urinary system gets rid of all the waste in your body this is important because if you don't it will build up if this happens then it can make you sick. Also if your waste builds up then it can get to your other systems and slow them down or stop them this can lead to you dying. Also your waste even if you don't think so is toxic. This means that if theirs too much of it in your body it can poison and slow down your heart rate and eventually kill you.
It helps your other system by getting ride of the waste and other things that the systems don't want out of the way. It also takes the waste out of your body so it doesn't build up and get in the way of your other systems. It helps get ride of the waste that could build up to stop the other systems in your body. This you need to happen because if those other systems stop working you will die. 

In class my group drew a picture of the urinary system. We did this so we can show the class an example of what the urinary system would look like. It also tells us what it looks like and what everything is called. This will help us understand it and see what things are as a  visual witch will help us when we do our project in science class about the urinary system.

Friday, October 9, 2015

organ systems 10/05/15-10/09/15
The nervous system is in control of your body it is what tells you what to do and when to do it. The things that makes up this are the brain, the spinal cord, and your nerves. Your brain is the control system of your body. Your  spinal cord carries the messages to and from your body. Your nereves carry in the messages from the outside world.
The excretory system gets the organs in the system are the kidneys, the regathers, the bladder, and the urethra. The kidneys filter blood and  produce urine.The regathers transfer urine to the bladder. The bladder stores the urine. The urethra takes the urine outside your body.
The mussels that are in the muscular system are the smooth muscle, the cardiac muscle , and the skeletal muscle. The function of the muscular system is to make you move. An example of a skeletal muscle is your calf. An example of a smooth muscle is your intestines. An example of a cardiac muscle is your heart.
The skeletal system has bones and lots of joints. The function of the skeletal system is to help you stand help you move  to help protect organs and other  needed body parts that are valuable to our body and keep us alive. The bones function is to help protect valuable body parts and to help us keep our structure and even produce blood. The joints function is to connect bones and they are also the place where we can bend our body.

I explained some thing with my notes because I put my notes  in my own words. I did this so I could fully understand my notes. Why I need  to fully understand my notes is because I have to use them for my blogs and I may use them in a test. That is why I decided that I need to put my notes in my own words.

Thursday, October 1, 2015


       The digestive system uses these following organs. Small intestine, large intestine, mouth, stomach, and esophagus. The function of the digestive system is to eat food then break it down into energy we can use. The small intestines job is to absorb most of the nutrients. The large intestine absorbs the water. The digestive system starts in the mouth. The stomach breaks down the food even more with acade. The esophagus takes the food to the stomach. These two help the digestive system the liver and the bull balder. The liver absorbs fat and nutrients. The bull blader provides the bile.

                The respiratory  system is made up of the following organs. The trachea, the lungs, and the diaphragm. The function of the respiratory system is to get the oxygen we need and use it to break down sugars. The diaphragm contracts  to pull air in. The trachea is the passage that leads air to the lungs. Lungs hold the bronchioles where the alveoli live witch is where the  hole exchange occurs.

         The circulatory system is made up of the following organs. The heart, veins, and arteries. The function is to transport oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. The Arteries transport the blood away from the heart. The veins function is to take the  blood to the heart.The heart function is to pump the blood.
           The steps to making a organ system. The smallest is a cell I like to think of it as a brick. Then the next one is a tissue witch is lots of  cells working together to do a certain job. That is why I like to think of them as brick walls. Next is the organ these are a group of tissues working together to do a certain job. That is why I liked to think of them as one room. The last is the organ system witch is a group of organs that work together to do one  certain job. That is why I like to think of  them as a house.
sp2 developing and using models.
I constructed a physicall lung to represent and understand the lung. For rib cages We used a empty bottle. For a diaphragm we used a cut balloon and stretched it over the bottom of the balloon . Then we took a balloon and we shoved it into the bottle and we stretched the top and we put it over the top of the balloon. When you pulled on the diaphragm the balloon in side witch is your lungs would get bigger and when you let go the lung would get smaller.

Friday, September 18, 2015

organelle project blog

summary: The nucleus is the brain of the cell. It tells the cell what to do and when to do it. The Nucleus lives in all cells except the prokaryotes cell. It looks like a drop of orange juice. It works with all of the organelles.The mitochondria  provides energy for the cell. It looks like a blue peanut with a purple inside. It works with all of the organelles. It lives in all cells but the prokaryotes cell.The cell membrane lets things go in and out of the looks like a bag. It works with every organelle. It is in every cell. The cell wall gives the cell structure. It looks like a block. It works with all organelles. It lives in only plant cells.The cytoplasm turns the plant green.It looks like a big green hill.It works with the mitochondria. It lives in only plant cells.The vacuole stores all of the stuff that the cell needs. It looks like bubbles. Did you know that animals have lots of really small vacuoles well the plant has one big vacuole. This is because animals don't have to store as much water as the plant this is because we can move around to get water well the plant has to wait around  for a long time for rain or to be watered. It works with lyssome and the cell wall. The cytoplasm holds all of the organelles in place. It looks like a clear thick goo. It works with all of the organelles. It lives in all cells in plant and animals.
In producing this projects it took about four days to do. On the first day we did research. On the second day we did research. On the third day we put it all on a google doc. On the last day we printed everything and pasted it on to the poster.
What I like about  my poster is that we colored the picture so that it looks nice. What I would have wanted to do instead would be Have a person in my group to actually do their job and not wait  around. I also think that if we hadn't spent a lot of time on doing each others part that it would have looked better.
If I were a teacher I would  make good comments about this poster. But one thing that I would ask is what is the drawing of the flower doing on this poster. One thing that I would also ask is  Why are some of the orange dots missing on the top of the picture.
If I could change something about the project it would be who I was working with and what I did. In my group a person was always of task and didn't do the right research so we had to use what we already know and  put that down. I would also change the fact that we printed out the picture and the word wanted I think that it would have looked better homemade but we didn't have enough time.

Friday, September 11, 2015

letter to the board 9/11/15
I wrote a letter to the board saying that we need science for education. In this letter I wrote about how science is knowledge, science is the  understanding of the forces of nature, and how science protects you from lies. I choose these because I personally think that these chooses were the best because I feel like these expresses science the best and that i can explain the best.

back-ward looking:
I believe that I did not know much about this subject when I started but know I feel like I know alot more know that I learned this stuff.

in-ward looking:
I feel like I did a good job of writing this letter. I think the best part was the topics that  I chose.
If Iwere a teacher I would grade my essay wit an A+ because it has  good  spelling and  good grammar  and also it has 7 paragraphs. 
Forward -looking: 
One thing that I would change is the neatness  of my writing I feel like it wasn't the best I could do.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Regular oreo vs duoble stuffed oreo


Are double stuffed Oreo's really double stuffed? Hypothesis: If the double stuffed Oreo's are really double stuffed than they will be twice as tall and twice as heavy. Materials needed: One balance, a ruler (metric), beads, a regular Oreo. a double stuffed Oreo, two cups.

       Steps: First you get out a regular and a double stuffed Oreo. Then you make a grape to keep your data in. Draw a line with lines going through  the line that you just made. Then right the kind of the Oreo next to the little spaces that you made this is were you will put your data. Then place the ruler standing right side up and using the centimeter side of it. Measure the height of the cookie. Then lets say you measured 1.10 then you will subtract 0.60 because the size of the cookies are 0.30 and their are two cookies. Then you will put this in you will put this in space on the line that the cookie that you measured. then do the same with the opposite cookie.

    Then draw another graph this time it's for weight not height. Put the two cups in the balance then if it is not straight then put some beads in the cup that is higher until it is the same height. Then take out the beads that you just put in and count them that is how many beads you will subtract from the amount of beads that you count later. Then put what ever Oreo you want to into a cup then put enough beads to make it even. Then subtract the beads that you just counted before. Then subtract 184 beads because that is the weight of the cookies. Then put that in your data that is the weight of the cookie then put this in your data and do it agian with yor opposite cookie then from this make a conclusion. My conclusion is that double stuffed Oreo's are not double stuffed.

Friday, August 28, 2015

What is science0828
     Science is both a body of knowledge and a process. The process of science is first make an observation, then ask a question, then make a  hypothesis, then do an experiment, then make a conclusion, and the last step is share. There are two types of observations Quantitative and Qualitative. Quantitative observation is an observation  numbers for example, a qualitative  observation is an observation of quality. Like taste, smell, feel, look, and sound.

      All of us at one point were scientists. When we were babies we were scientists for example lets say I'm holding a toy and I drop it. Then someone comes and picks it up and gives it to me. Then I think to my self if I drop my bottle someone will come and pick it up that is when you made your hypothesis. Then you drop it again and someone comes and picks it up again that's when you made your first experiment. Then you think when I drop this bottle someone will come and pick it up. So this time you drop it on purpose then you cry someone comes and picks it up now you have made your first conclusion.

     Not all questions are scientific questions.A scientific question is a question that can be tested to get an answer. A non scientific question is a question that can't be tested to find an answer. For example: Does study actually improve your test scores? Is a scientific question because it is something that can be tested. Why does  john not like pizza?This question is not an scientific question because you can't  test it to find a real answer.


Is there life in Space?

News | The Solar System and Beyond  by JPL - NASA Have you ever watched sci-fi movies where there are aliens or extraterrestrial life, ...