Saturday, January 28, 2017


Have you ever wondered how the differences in our genes com about? The answer to that question is Mutations. Mutations are when your genes are copying the DNA before cell divisions certain mistakes or typo's are made. This is very common in people. Because of Mutations we have 60 different things our parents didn't have. Some versions of Mutations are when the cell adds another base which is called an Insertion Mutation, deletes a base which is called a Deletion Mutation, or substitutes a base for another which is called a Substitution Mutation, or it shifts the DNA over one which is called a Frame shift mutation. Mutations could be good or bad depending on where they are found. But most of the time they are neither  good or bad just different. The only kind of Mutation that will or could be bad it a Mutation in the cells that make and control the proteins your body produces. Sometimes these Mutations can be passed down to children. Sometimes Mutations have no or little effects on you or the way you look. Other times they can have big affects. Most ways that mutations happen are natural but sometimes they happen because the thing has been genetically modified. You can see many genetically modified things in foods.



I constructed an explanation of Mutations when I came up with ways my superhero that I created got mutations that turned her into the superhero that she was. I also explained it when I made my came up with reasons why her DNA was changed and how. I finally explained it by adding what type of mutation she got.

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