Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Charity Fair 12/18/17-12/22/17

I of course know many things about myself, I love cheetahs, teal and my family. But when it comes to projects and school, I always have something to discover. I feel as though my recent work has shown a lot about my work ethic, growth and abilities. Though I have just recently discovered my love for presenting and being social, no matter how sick I feel while doing it. I discovered that when I actually care about something, I don't care what I am doing, i'm helping or acting on that cause. This charity fair I choose the Cheetah Conservation Fund, or CCF as my charity. I love this charity because it protects one of my favorite animals. This is something that I really care about. So when I got up and presented, the fear while waiting for my turn, melted away, I was fearless. That had never happened before.


I think that I have gotten better at this kind of work over the years because I have learned what to do and what not to do. I also think that my abilities to make something nice and good have improved. I feel like over the past few years I have been able to improve my work ethic and growth, so that each of my projects grow with me. I think that over all I have improved most when it comes to my presentation skills.


My standards for this piece were to get it done and get an A, sell more than half our product and to do it very efficiently. I think that not only did I meet my goals, but I exceeded my goals. I sold out of my products and I made it to finals for choosing a charity to represent our class, this was a great honor because I had never done it before. 


When people look at my work I want them to see all of the effort that I put into it. I want them to notice all the small details and finishing touches that we put in to make it better. I also want them to see that we worked very hard to make our product and that we took our time making our product.


One thing that I would try to improve upon the next charity fair is being more creative when I come up with a product. This is because I want to be unique and yet our product not be to out of this world and crazy. I also would like to make our slides a bit better.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Is ecotourism helping or hurting our national parks 12/4/17-12/817 (weekly blog)


Is ecotourism helping or hurting our national parks? This question has two sides to it and is also complicated. This is because there is lots of evidence backing up both sides of the question. Let's start with the first side of the question, Is ecotourism helping our national parks? Well, yes. In article two, Is Ecotourism Helping or Hurting Our National Parks?, it says, "Ecotourism is an industry that promotes responsible travel to natural areas. It can provide income and promote conservation–rather than exploitation–of natural resources. Sometimes, ecotourism is looked at as a solution to a lack of political will or general apathy toward conservation issues. The idea of ecotourism is to enhance the conservation of wild spaces and species in an ecosystem through the promotion of natural resources as a tourist attraction.”. In that same article it also says, "Ecotourism has many benefits. It boosts local economic growth, provides jobs and improves conservation awareness as it stimulates the desire to protect our parks. NPS activities provide more than 200,000 jobs and have $30 billion impact on the economy of the U.S. through visitor spending. Getting outside is also good for people’s physical and mental health, helping with everything from reducing stress to improving memory. Companies are recognizing these benefits for employees, and students’ performance can improve after spending time outside. In addition, our national parks provide a unique American experience, bringing people together to learn about our national heritage. Due to all of these benefits, many people support sustainable tourism.”

Even though ecotourism can be good, it also has a downside to it. In article 3, Keeping Bears Wild - Or Trying - At National Parks, a park ranger at Great Smoky's National Park, who works with protecting the wildlife, most of the time bears, named Williamson says "It's a very difficult window to try to capture, because neither one can behave themselves, humans can't help but get too close to bears or drop food crumbs on the ground; bears can't help but eat the crumbs.". He also says "He can educate all of the bears he wants here, but he can't educate all of the people." This is a problem that many of the parks face. Especially Great Smoky's National Park.

You see people just don't know how much they can effect the environment. Also in article 2, Is Ecotourism Helping or Hurting Our National Parks?, Sencer says "Visitors’ poor behavior has been a growing problem, too. especially in national parks. In the past couple of years, the national parks have made headlines several times because of human misbehavior. In 2015, a family interfered with a bison calf in Yellowstone National Park, which they had presumed was in danger because it was alone in the snow. Bison are physiologically equipped to handle the harsh winters in the midwest. In the end, the family’s misjudgment cost the bison its life after attempts to reunite it with its herd failed….Recently, a woman was sentenced for vandalizing sites in parks around the country, something that unfortunately has impacted many parks over the years.”

Not only that but on article 5, Is ecotourism and oxymoron?, Christie Wilcox says "Ecotourists around the world may be inadvertently causing more harm than good, and that certainly seems to be the case in Kona. No one knows how the mantas’ behavior has been altered by the nightly interactions with humans and the artificial plankton aggregations created by their lights...The Kona industry might be “taming” the rays, causing unforeseen harm — in addition to the damage to the reef and rays already documented.”. But no matter what ecotourism, in a way, is neither good, nor bad. It has it's ups and downs. So the answer to the question in paragraph one, is merely one's opinion. So what do you think?


SP7: Arguing from evidence.

I used evidence for different articles to construct my opinion on if ecotourism is good or bad. I read 5 articles to help me with constructing my argument and opinion. Then I had to use quotes from the articles and relate them to one another. I then came up with the conclusion that ecotourism was bad for our national parks and the environment.


XCC: Cause and Effect

Humans cause a lot more harm to the environment then we know of. One of the ways we cause harm is in ecotourism. Ecotourism is good for us humans, but it make things a whole lot worse for animals and the environment. You see, the animals at the national parks get to used to seeing humans in their daily life. This make them tamer when they are around humans. This almost takes the 'wild' factor out of an animal. This then makes national parks more like a 'wild zoo'.

Friday, December 8, 2017

Is Ecotourism helping or hurting our national parks?-WAC

 Ecotourism is hurting our environment. Many people may think that ecotourism is help our environment, that by being an ecotourist, you are being one with nature. This unfortunately is not true. Of course you could still be one with nature, but it is not good for the environment. In article 3, Keeping Bears Wild - Or Trying - At National Parks, a park ranger at Great Smoky's National Park, who works with protecting the wildlife, most of the time bears, named Williamson says "It's a very difficult window to try to capture, because neither one can behave themselves, humans can't help but get too close to bears or drop food crumbs on the ground; bears can't help but eat the crumbs.". He also says "He can educate all of the bears he wants here, but he can't educate all of the people." This is a problem that many of the parks face. Especially Great Smoky's National Park.

Great Smoky's National park is probably the most visited national parks in the U.S. This is a huge accomplishment. But is it really? As Williamson said above "He can educate all of the bears he wants here, but he can't educate all of the people." When you have some 11 million people in your park they are hard to control and they can end up destroying the beauty and the 'wild' factory of national parks. This is seen a lot at Great Smoky's and other popular ecotourism sites around the world. Williamson see's the 'wild' factory almost fade away with bears. They call it habitation. In article 3, Keeping Bears Wild - Or Trying - At National Parks, Williamson says, watching the sow nose a rock aside. "This is how habituation happens. She's just tolerant of us right now. She doesn't even spook when a frustrated motorist honks his horn at the car in front of him. Her two cubs seem oblivious too, as they stumble over downed logs and try to keep pace with their slow-moving mother... They're learning right now," Williamson says. They're learning to not be afraid of humans, which puts them on that slippery slope to becoming problem bears."

Also it is not just happening to bears. In article 5, Is ecotourism and oxymoron?, Christie Wilcox says "Ecotourists around the world may be inadvertently causing more harm than good, and that certainly seems to be the case in Kona. No one knows how the mantas’ behavior has been altered by the nightly interactions with humans and the artificial plankton aggregations created by their lights...The Kona industry might be “taming” the rays, causing unforeseen harm — in addition to the damage to the reef and rays already documented.” In article 1, National Park Service Celebrates 100th Anniversary, Rott from npr says "So she's scaring it off because in order to preserve and protect this bear and these people, it can't be hanging out this close to a road and this close to people. It's good for pictures, but it's not good for the bear."

Not only that but people actually ruin other animals lives and the nature like coral, trees and other plants. In article 2, Is Ecotourism Helping or Hurting Our National Parks?, Sencer says "Visitors’ poor behavior has been a growing problem, too. especially in national parks. In the past couple of years, the national parks have made headlines several times because of human misbehavior. In 2015, a family interfered with a bison calf in Yellowstone National Park, which they had presumed was in danger because it was alone in the snow. Bison are physiologically equipped to handle the harsh winters in the midwest. In the end, the family’s misjudgment cost the bison its life after attempts to reunite it with its herd failed….Recently, a woman was sentenced for vandalizing sites in parks around the country, something that unfortunately has impacted many parks over the years.”

Also in article 5, Is ecotourism and oxymoron?, Christie Wilcox says "Lights in all directions from the dozens of dive groups disoriented us, and we were tossed this way and that by the high surge as our dive master attempted to move large, venomous urchins out of the way with tongs so we could sit on the reef. She instructed us to hold tight to the coral — even though touching the coral can kill it — as the water pushed us this way and that." She also says "I tried to remind myself that some of the money paid by all of these people would be used to conserve this place, to protect the majestic animals we anxiously awaited. But looking around, it was hard to believe that any of this was going to help the manta rays."

We may think that we are helping, but we are hurting the animals and their ecosystem. On the whole ecotourism helps us, through providing jobs, getting money, and letting us spend time in preserved nature. Yet it hurts the animals and their lives, by taking away the 'wild' factor within them and vandalizing their habitat. Ecotourism is bad and that is our fault. Here is this quote from article 3, Keeping Bears Wild - Or Trying - At National Parks, Williamson says "He can educate all of the bears he wants here, but he can't educate all of the people." and that is the problem.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Journey of Duct Tape key chains and wallets

      Did you ever wonder how much greenhouse gasses go into the air whenever you travel? Well I know, it turns out that when you fly in an airplane that it emits 0.8 grams of greenhouse gasses per mile. When you ride in your car it emits 0.41 grams of greenhouse gasses per mile. If you ever rode in a truck it emitted 0.17 grams of greenhouse gasses per mile. Finally if you ever rode in a rain it emitted 0.1 grams of greenhouse gasses per mile. Lots of our everyday product are made in China. For most of our products from China to California it goes by plane. From Guangdong, China to us is 5,530.4g of CO2/kg. That is a lot!

S&EP: SP4 Analyzing Data

We analyzed data when we had to find all of the mileage and CO2 emitted into the atmosphere from all of our products transportation. We also had to analyze all of the data that we got from the CO2 emissions and turn it into a description. We also had to analyze ourselves when we thought about how we impact the world with our CO2 emissions.

XXC: Structure and Function

The function of our map depended on the structure of our map. This is because when we made the map we had to do everything in a certain way so that it was interactive and so that everybody knew that one thing came from one place to another. A;so it depended on the structure so that we could get the correct mileage.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Clean it up 11/13/17-11/17/17

     Have you ever spilled something? I bet you have. But have you ever spilled hairspray on a plant? That's probably not one of the things that you would see daily. Then to clean it up did you use vinegar? I highly doubt that. But guess what, I did exactly that. My group and I had to try to neutralize a chemical. For our chemical we chose hairspray. Hairspray is surprisingly a base. We decided, off of our knowledge of neutralizing acids and bases, that we were going to use the acid, vinegar, to try to neutralize our base, hairspray. Once we ran our tests and experiments we found out that the hairspray had little to no effect on our plant and that our plant lived on. We used 100 mL of water on each plant, to keep them alive, 10 mL of hairspray on each plant, to simulate the spill, and 1 mL of vinegar, to neutralize the hairspray. We only used 1 mL of the vinegar because it is a strong acid and we didn't want that to kill the plant.


I think that a few problems that I had during this project was time management. This is because I was focusing on one thing more than another. This resulted in me having to start a document that was due the next day and work on that because throughout the whole week I was to focused on another part of the project.


I think that my goals for this piece of work is to have it be really realistic and that it was logical. I think that my goals changed along the way because I realized that it was hard to make a good news cast the was very realistic and that made sense. But I feel as though I did reach my goal of it being logical.


I think that if someone else were to look at my piece and learn something about me the one thing that they would learn about me is that I can improvise. I think this because on the night before something was due I was able to do half of it and prepare myself for the last class period that I would have to work on it so that I could manage my time well.


One thing that I think that I want to improve upon is my time management. As I said above that is not one of my strong suits. Also I feel as though that is something that a person needs to be successful. I also think that it is a valuable skill.

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Chemistry Mastery Quest 2 Regrade 11/15/17

Question 3:

The question was "In a chemical reaction, the number of reactant atoms?". I answered "does not determine the number of the product atoms". The correct answer was "is equal to the number of product atoms". I see how this was the right answer because in the law of conservation matter it says that matter can not appear nor disappear or change it's identity.

Question 6:

The question was "Reactions that involve burning are classified as?". I answered " Endothermic". The correct answer was "Exothermic". I see how this is the correct answer because exothermic reactions give out heat which is something that happens when things burn.

Question 13:

The question was "Copper (Cu) reacts with oxygen (O) to form copper oxide (CuO). The properties of CuO are most likely?". I answered " Similar to both Copper and Oxygen". The correct answer was " different from copper or oxygen". I see how this is the correct answer because when a chemical reaction occurs the two reactants turn into different products so they would have different properties. 

Friday, November 10, 2017

Herbal Essences Body Envy Volumizing Hairspray Chemical Spill 11/6/17-11/10/17 (From google explore photo's)

Did you know that there are some mildly dangerous chemicals in hairsprays. Herbal Essences Body Envy Volumizing Hairspray has a hazardous ingredient, Cyclopentasiloxane, which is a fatty acid, ‎this chemical can cause cancer. It is fairly flammable and used for antiperspirants, skin care products and hair care products. The first aid procedures that you need to take are: If you swallow it, wash your mouth thoroughly with water, then get medical attention. In case you inhale the substance get outside  \to fresh air. In case it comes in contact with your eyes rinse them immediately with lots of water for 15 minutes, then you should seek medical attention. In case it touches our skin wash with lots of water, if irritation starts, it is recommended that you seek medical attention. You should also remove contaminated clothing. Warning: If you consume more than 800 ml of this chemical you could die. Cyclopentasiloxane has many chemical properties, it has a formal charge of 0. It’s heavy atom count is 20, it’s defined atom stereo center count is 0. It’s undefined atom stereo center count is 0. It also has a bond stereo center count of 0 and a undefined bond stereo center stereo center count of 0. It has a isotope atom count of 0 and a covalently-bonded unit count of 1. It’s hydrogen bond donor count is 0, it’s hydrogen bond acceptor count is 5 and it’s rotatable bond count is 0. Finally it’s compound is canonicalized. It also has a lot of Physical Properties. It’s Molecular weight is 370.77 g/mol, it’s complexity is 285, it’s exact mass is 370.094 g/mol, it’s monoisotopic mass is 370.094 g/mol, it’s topological polar surface area is 46.2 A^2.

SP3: Constructing investigations.

I constructed investigations when I researched what was the dangerous chemical in our substance that we needed to clean up. I also had to construct investigations when i had to figure ways that we might want to neutralize our chemical and how we would do that. I also had to construct an investigation when I choose what brand we wanted to use for our hairspray.

XXC: Matter and Energy

Matter is a part of our investigations because we had to figure out how our product was structured physically and chemically. Matter is also a part of our chemical or related to our chemical because our chemical has matter. Energy is a part of our investigations because we had to figure out how reactive our dangerous chemical, or the chemical that we wanted to clean up, which is also dependent on how much energy is in the chemical or substance. Energy and matter were included in our investigations because they are both parts of our chemical and what it is made out of.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Acids, Bases and the pH scale 10/30/17-11/3/17

What are the properties of an acid? Well, acids are very corrosive to metals, they taste sour, feel sticky, have a positive ion and they turn litmus paper red. Litmus paper is a piece of paper that when put in a substance turns a certain color depending on its acidity. A base is a substance that is not very acidic. Some of its properties are that it tastes bitter, is slippery or slimy, they are also corrosive to metals, turn litmus paper blue and they have a negative ion. But what's in the middle? If the substance is not an acid or a base then it is a neutral. A neutral is like water and they don't do anything to litmus paper. There are also ways to neutralize acids and bases. Sense they are opposites all you have to do is add them together. For when you add a acid to a base or a base to an acid you will always get at least water and salt which are both neural substances. One way that you can find out if something is neutralized or not is if you use indicator. You add indicator, that will change its color to match the universal indicator pH color chart or scale, and either the acid or the base. Then you have to add an acid to the base or a base to the acid until the substance turns the color green or the universal indicator color for neutral. But what is the pH scale? The pH scale is a color scale that tells you the amount or acidity that is in a substance.

SP3: Planning and carrying out investigations

We did experiments with the pH scale and neutralizing acids and bases. We used everyday household substances like detergent, water and vinegar. We added those to indicator to test our knowledge of the pH scale and how it works and used that to find out how acidic or basic it was. We then neutralized vinegar and baking soda solution.

XCC: Energy and matter

Energy and matter are involved in acids, bases and the pH scale because energy is a part of the different ions that are properties of both acids and bases. Matter is involved because they are both types of matter.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Using reactions to figure things out 10/23/17-10/27/17

Related image

Do you know how to classify a reaction? Classifying reactions is when you figure out if the reaction is a Single or double displacement, synthesis, or Decomposition reactions. A single displacement reaction is where one molecule will trade one part or piece of its particle with a different type of atom leaving the traded atom on its own. A double displacement is where two different molecule will trade one part of its molecule with the others, leaving the two 'rejects' together. A synthesis reaction is when two or more atoms come together to create one thing. A decomposition reaction is when a molecule breaks into its separate pieces leaving each part on its own.Not only that but there are two different ways that energy is involved in reactions. Endothermic and Exothermic are the two different ways that energy can be involved in a reaction. An endothermic reaction is a reaction where the products have more energy then the reactant therefor absorbing the energy in the surrounding materials. An exothermic reaction is a reaction where the reactants have more energy then the products therefore the reaction let out heat or energy into its surroundings.  Endothermic reactions are warm because of the energy transfer where as exothermic reaction are cold because of the energy transfer. Reactions are often used to find unknown items. This is done by making chemical reactions between known things and the unknown thing using the same reactants and seeing how each one is different and similar throughout the reaction to identify the unknown substance.

SP4: Analyzing data

We analyzed data when we used chemical reactions to figure out a unknown substance. We had to analyze what happened when we added one substance to another. We had to analyze what happened and make a conclusion on what that unknown substance was. When we had fully analyzed the data we found out that the unknown substance was baking powder.

XCC: Energy and Matter

Energy and matter take part in reactions because of the energy transfer and the fact that they are a catalyst which means that they are used to start reactions. Energy is transferred through chemical reactions in two different ways. endothermic and exothermic reactions. A catalyst is a substance like water or energy or heat that is used to speed up or slow down the rate of a chemical reaction. Matter takes place in chemical reactions through the fact that all of the parts of a chemical reaction is matter.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Chemical Reactions and Equations 10/16/17-10/20/17
        What is a chemical reaction? A chemical reactions is when one or more molecules come together and their bonds break and reform to make something new. A chemical equation is what we use to show what is happening in the chemical reaction (as shown above). When you read a chemical equation the + separates the two or more molecules either in the reactants side (the left side) or the product side ( the right side). The arrow shows which was the chemical reaction is going. So if the chemical reaction is reversible then the arrow will point in both directions, if the equation is not reversible then the arrow will point towards the product side of the chemical reaction. But what if the equation isn't balanced? If the equation is not balanced then you have to balance it because according to the law of conservation mass. The law of conservation mass states that matter can not be lost nor gained nor change its identity. To balance a chemical equation you must first draw a box around all of your reactants and products, for neither the elements nor the subscripts can be changed you can only add coefficients. Next you would take your inventory. This means you would count all of the atoms in the  equation that you have at hand. You must keep your inventory updated, so do not use a pen that is not erasable. After this you would have to add coefficients in front of the boxes. Then you take inventory again. You must repeat this process until you have the same number of atoms on both sides. Though, sometimes the amount of coefficients you added can be simplified so you can divide the coefficients on both sides of the equation by the same number to simplify the amount of coefficients but be sure to take inventory after you do so to make sure that your answer is still correct.

SP5: Using Mathematics
          We used mathematics to help us determine the amount of atoms in a equation. We had to multiply to figure out the number of atoms in a when we added a coefficient. We also had to do math when we figured out what how many coefficients we had to add to a certain element or molecule in the equation.

                                                         XCC: Energy and Matter

"Energy and Matter change forms but are not created nor destroyed". Energy and matter take place everywhere in chemical reactions and equations. Matter is a part of the Law of conservation mass. For the law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be lost nor gained or switch identities during a chemical reaction. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Counting Atoms 10/9/17-10/13/17

What is counting atoms and how do you do it? Counting atoms is literally finding out how many atoms are in a certain formula. Like the one above. How do you do it? Easy, as you know each element can only have one capitol letter in each chemical symbol, like Na or S, so each time you see a capitol letter you know it's a new element. But what about the numbers at the bottom? The numbers at the bottom are called subscripts they tell you how many atoms of that element there are. But what if there's no subscript that means that their is one of that element.  Though, sometimes parts of the formula is in parenthesis like this Na2(SO4)3 this means that you would multiply the amount of atoms in the parenthesis by the number out side of it. so we would end up getting Na2S3O12 because we multiplied the number of atoms inside the parenthesis by the number outside of it. Then we have formulas that look like this 3Na2SO4. The 3 at the start of the formula is called a coefficient. A coefficient is a number at the start of the formula that tells you how many of the whole entire formula do you have. once you have figured out the coefficients and subscripts and parenthesis then you can do the math. You find out how many atoms of each elements there are - using the coefficients, subscripts and parenthesis- then you add together the number of atoms there are. so for the picture above there would be 7 atoms in all.

SP5: using mathematics

We used mathematics to help us determine the amount of atoms in a formula. We had to multiply to figure out the number of atoms in a parenthesis and when their are a coefficient. We also had to add when we added together the number of atoms of each element to find out what the number of atoms in our formula was.

XCC:structure and function

i think that this is an example of structure and function because the structure of a molecule determines the function of the same molecule. This is because if H2O didn't have the same formula/structure it would not have the same function. I think that this relates to the topic of formula because of the reason above. It also relates to formulas and counting atoms because the structure of the formula is different than another molecule's structure which is why they have different functions.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Periodic Table of slimes 10/1/17--10/6/17

         In this project we were required to make a periodic table of something. Our group chose to make a periodic table of slimes. While we made this project I was able to learn what Trends are in the periodic table. Trends are how you table works as in what does it increase by going down the line or across.  I also learned more about the constructing of the Periodic table. I learn that it is a lot harder than it looks to make the periodic table because you had to make sure that everything is in the right pattern and that everything is placed where it has to be. I also learned that in the periodic table elements actually have a lot more in common because they are always slowly increasing and sometimes they can share the same atomic mass. This I thought was cool.


One of the problem my group encountered well we were doing this project is that we did not know what we wanted to make our atomic mass be. Meaning what numbers would we add to our atomic number and how would those connect to our periodic table and not just be random numbers. We ended up making our atomic mass our atomic number plus wavelength. Wavelength is the colors number so we added that slimes color number to its atomic number.


I think that I had very high standards for this project because I felt as though I should be able to excel at it because we had spent a while on this topic and I was comfortable with it. I also had a lot of knowledge on this topic. I think that I meet my standards because I like the piece of work that I made and I think that it is a very good piece of work and that it has a lot of good things in it that I really like. I also like the way we organized it and the way that we were able to make it.


I think that we did our work different then others because we had a different process. We started making our project by making the table outline and putting all of the slimes in their appropriate places before we started to make our different element symbols and or atomic masses and out atomic numbers. The ways that we made it similar though is that we did it the same process is that we made the key and the abstract lats. I also think we did ours differently because we made ours have 7-8 periods depending on on what column you are in, where as the other groups made their with about 4-5 periods.


If I had a chance to re-do this project I would probably put more time into the abstract. I mean our abstract was very good and I like it but I feel as though we probably could make it better next time. I think that we also did most of it at home so it was harder to collaborate on it so we didn't have all the same ideas heard. But other then that I think that i would not change anything else because I feel we did good on it.

Saturday, September 30, 2017

the Periodic table Connections, patterns and why it matters 9/24/17 - 9/29/17
             The periodic table did not always look like it does today, actually there didn't use to be one; The periodic table has a very interesting history. It was created by Dmitri Mendeleev, he needed a way to organize all the elements so that it made sense and that he could keep track of his work. Some say that he was inspired by the russian card game solitaire. This is a game where you organize the cards by suit horizontally and number vertically. He made himself a deck of cards. The deck had 63 cards after that he started organizing them. First he started organizing them by patterns. Soon he realized that some of the elements that reacted the same way actually were a lot like each other. Some people have made a connection to how a family is you are all slightly different but mostly the same. But some of the other elements reacted completely different but had things in common. Almost like a friend group you don't look like each other but you might like the same things. This is why their is one familiar pattern in the periodic table, this is the pattern that all of the elements in the first family all have one electron in the outer shell and the one next to it has 2 and the row next to that has 3 so the number of electrons slowly increase. Mendeleev's work has made chemistry way easier for us. he made many connections and patterns for the rest of us to make and notice. It is one of the important things that shaped the face of chemistry and the way we understand it.

SP2 Models

We created models in class because we are making our own periodic table to understand the connections and the patterns that were built into the periodic table. We are making this model of the periodic table because it helps us understand periodic table and the way that it was created. We are also doing this so we can see and better our understanding of how to read the periodic table. 

XCC Energy and Matter

Energy and matter take part in the Periodic Table  because the system of the periodic table contains many different types of matter. One is a solid and one is a gas. Energy takes part in the system of the periodic table because the elements all conduct different amounts of energy. Matter and energy are a huge part of the periodic table because they are an important part of each element and how it is placed on the table.


I think that I was the Initiator this week because I was able to take charge in my group. I also think this because I was constantly making sure that everyone had a part and that every one was on task. I was also asking the questions of who was going to do what and what we should do about some parts of our project.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Letter to NSF (National Science Foundation)

Dear NSF (National Science Foundation),

Hello. I am writing to tell you that you are completely wrong to say that Dmitri Mendeleev is crazy and that he should be shut down. For he is about to make a discovery that could change the face of chemistry. I predict that it will be a very big discovery and will be taught all over the earth. I have constructed the following letter to show and explain to you why he should not be shut down and his work is accurate.

        First off Dmitri Mendeleev is not the only great scientist to ever think this. Not saying that he is copying other scientist, but it is truly a matter that was not made up. In the article History of the periodic table by Royal Society of Chemistry, in 1865 John Newlands also arranged the elements. He arranged the 62 known elements by atomic mass into 8 columns just like Mendeleev. He did produce some misalignment's, but he also predated Mendeleev's newer prediction of the element in between Silicon and Tin. But then Newlands did not make his table so that it could hold the other elements like Mendeleev is doing. He also did not find an order that went beyond his data like Mendeleev is now doing. Not only but the article History of the periodic table by Royal Society of Chemistry, in 1829 German Chemist Johann Döbereiner published the Law of Triads. This was the concept that elements could be grouped into groups of three based on the things that they had in common. This concept is now still being studied by many of scientists including Mendeleev as they try to find a way that the elements can be grouped that is more then 3.

Second this periodic table is no laughing stock. It according to the video The Discovery of the Periodic Table story of Dmitri Mendeleev by Jessica Henry and the Articles  History of the periodic table by Royal Society of Chemistry and Inventors and Scientists: Dmitri Mendeleev by Michelle Feder, Dmitri Mendeleev is organizing the elements in a certain way. This is a way that could prove to help the future of elements discoveries and what people think if when they hear science. Here are a few examples. In the video The Discovery of the Periodic Table story of Dmitri Mendeleev by Jessica Henry it says that " His first table was compiled around the idea that he could organize the elements by atomic weight the number of protons and neutrons" In the article Inventors and Scientists: Dmitri Mendeleev by Michelle Feder, it says that "Mendeleev was said to have been inspired by the card game known as Solitaire. In the game,cards are arranged both by suit, horizontally, and by number, vertically." It also says that "Mendeleev made up a set of cards. Each represented one of the 63 elements known at the time... He arranged and rearranged the cards in various orders constantly.... While arranging these cards of atomic data, Mendeleev discovered what is called the Periodic Law. Mendeleev arranged the elements in order of increasing atomic mass...Finally, he noticed some gaps in the order of atomic mass" That shows that he has actually found real connections between the elements which is also very important. In the article History of the periodic table by Royal Society of Chemistry it says that "This table consisted of about half of the known elements listed in order of their atomic weight and demonstrated periodic changes as a function of atomic mass."

Some people ask me "Well what properties is Dmitri Mendeleev looking at?" Well the answer to that would be Atomic Mass, Atomic Weight, Patterns in increasing atomic weight/mass and the similar ways the act or react. So basically all of the atoms properties which would mean he would get very accurate. Another question people ask me is "Does Size Matter?". Well I would actually say yes, seeing as atomic mass and atomic weight is how many protons and neutrons there are in the atom or element which is technically size. The last main question I get asked would be "Does atomic mass matter?". One Hundred percent, Dmitri Mendeleev is organizing the elements by atomic weight and increasing atomic mass so how could it not matter. It says in the two articles and in the one video that he is organizing the by atomic mass and weight so it definitely does matter. The answers to these questions should show you just how accurate Dmitri Mendeleev is being.

Dmitri Mendeleev is try to get as accurate as possible so that not only he gets a way to organize the elements when he works but so that he can give chemists and scientist all across the globe a accurate lead to discovering elements that might still be out there. Mendeleev is looking at many of the properties of the elements so that he makes sure that they are placed correctly. Dmitri Mendeleev is so close to making a discovery that would change so much about chemistry and would help those studying it today with studying it. I hope that this is enough information to help you with you suspicions about how his work does not make sense and he should be shut down.


Friday, September 15, 2017

The Periodic Table 9/11/17 - 9/15/17

Wouldn't it be awesome if our periodic table looked like it does in the top corners? Well it could be if it fit in our textbooks. The only reason that we had the plain old boring square one we have today is because teachers needed to be able to print it in a text book. Well we're speaking of the periodic table. Let's talk about it's history. The periodic table did not always look like it does today, actually there didn't use to be one. Dmitri Mendeleev invented the periodic table. Only because he needed a way to organize all the elements so that it made sense. So he started organizing them by patterns. Then he realized that some of the elements that reacted the same way actually were a lot like each other. But some of the other elements reacted completely different but had things in common. "You look like your family, but not like your neighbor" is a good saying to describe it. While this might already be confusing but what use if the periodic table if you don't know how to read it? Reading the periodic table is actually easier than you think. The first column that has Hydrogen, Lithium, and Potassium,(H, Li & K) All have one atom in the outer shell of electrons. The second column containing Beryllium, Magnesium, & Calcium, (Be, Mg, & Ca) all have two valence electrons. The third Column that contains Boron and Aluminum (B & Al) all have 3 valence electrons. Can you guess the fourth column? Let's see they have four valence electrons. The fifth column has five valence electron. The sixth column has six valence electrons.The seventh column has seven valence electrons. The eighth column has eight valence electrons. Then how you find out the Period is how many layers of electrons does the atom have. Then that number determines the row or period.

SP2 Using Models
We used models when we were studying the periodic table because we used the periodic table which is a model to help us figure out how to read it. We also used the model of the atom to help find out which element was where on the periodic table. We also used the model of the periodic table to show how all of the elements were organized and why. Also what they had in common. 

XCC Energy & Matter

Energy and matter take part in the systems that we are studying in class because the system of the periodic table has gases and metals which are two different types of matter. One is a solid and one is a gas. Energy takes part in the system because the elements all conduct different amounts of energy. These are just two examples of how energy and matter take part in the system of the periodic table.


This week I think that I was a learner. I think that I was the learner this week because I was always wanting to know more and I was very interested in the periodic table. I really wanted to know more and I find chemistry very intriguing and it pulls me in to learn more.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Ions, Cations, Anions, and Isotopes 9/5/17 - 9/8/17
Have you ever heard of the periodic table? If your answer was no, the periodic table is a table that is used by scientists to show all of the elements and their properties. Such as the Atomic number the symbol and sometimes the name.  You may be wondering while what is an element an element is a substance made out of one type of atom like an oxygen atom or a helium atom. That brings us to an Ion. An ion is a atom that has lost or gained electrons which will be shown as either a plus or minus symbol next to the symbol of the element. A Cation is a positive Ion which is when an atom has lost electrons giving it a positive charge this is represented by the number of electrons lost and a plus sign following it. An Anion is an atom that has gained electrons giving it  a negative charge which is represented by the number of electrons gained followed by a minus symbol. An Isotope is an element that contains the same amount of protons but not the same amount of neutrons.

SP2 Using Models
We used models in class when we were drawing out what the Ions (Cations and Anions) and Isotopes and how they are represented. We used these models to help us see what they looked like and how to represent them when we use them or have to use them to preform a scientific project.

XCC System and Systematic Models

I see systems in how the Ions, Cations, and Anions are all connected and how they work. Like the system of losing the electrons and how that affects the atom and the system of gaining electrons and how that affects the atoms. I see systems in the ways that the Ions work in the atom.


I feel that I was a Initiator and a Wanderer because I asked questions and got conversations going by going and figuring out ways to help with our papers and sheets but also figuring out ways to use the different sources we were given. I also asked questions that help provoke people to get thinking like what do you think if we did it this way or yes but you could also try this.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

A Letter to King Arthur 9/6/17

Dear King Arthur,

         I have been researching the crowns your nights have brought me and finally I found the right crown. The right crown was crown 4, brought by Gawain. It was a mass of 3474 g or grams and was a volume of 180 cm3 or centimeters cubed which is a density of 19.3 g/cm3. Which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is also the density of pure gold. To further explain how my finding is right I have constructed a letter to tell you more about the proof I have.

      The further proof that I have is the material that the other crowns are made out of. Crown 1 brought by Lancelot was a mass 1890 g and a volume of 180 cm3. This created a density of 10.5 g/cm3 which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table"  just happens to be the same density as the resource silver. Crown 2 brought by Percival was a mass of 486 g and a volume of 180 cm3. This makes the density of 2.7 g/cm3. Which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is the density of Aluminum, not gold. Crown 3 which was brought by Bedivere has a mass of 1404 g and a volume of 180 cm3. Which is the density 7.8 g/cm3 which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table"  is the same as the density of steel. The last and final crown that is wrong if crown 5 brought by Galahad. It was a mass of 2430 g and was a volume of 180 cm3. This was a density of 13.5 g /cm3  which according to the "Density of Some Common Sources Table" is also the density of lead.

      The definition of density is how much stuff is in a certain space which is where the equation mass or grams (g) divided by volume or centimeters cubed (cm3). This is the equation that I used to find the density of the crowns. I also checked my work so you can believe me with no doubt that Crown 4 brought back by Gawain is the solid gold crown.

Jane Partsch 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Chemistry 8-28-17 - 9-1-17

Did you know that chemistry is much more than just mixing chemicals? Well if you answer to that was no, then you would be surprised. Chemistry is a mixture of Matter, Elements, Mass, Volume, Density and understanding the things around you. Chemistry starts with the Atom. The atom is the building block of life. It is made of Electrons Neutrons and protons. If you made a grapefruit the size of the earth and filled it with blueberries, a blueberry would be the size of an atom. To see the nucleus (The part that contains the protons and neutrons) you would have to make the blueberry as big as a football stadium and the nucleus would be the size of a marble. An element is something that is made up of only one type of atom. A molecule is a mixture of two or more atoms like H2O or CO2. A compound is a molecule that has 2 different types of atoms like the H2O example above. All compounds are molecules but not all molecules are compounds. This brings us to Matter. Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass, like a piece of paper-mass is how much matter is in something-matter is made up of three things Mass, Volume, and Density - volume is how much space there is- some of you may be familiar with the equation Volume divided by Mass equals density. I like to think that density is the ratio of Mass to Volume. All this info that you just read is only one part of the science that is Chemistry.

SP2: Using Models

We used models when we were watching a video on just how big is an atom. We used the model of the grape fruit to explain that if you blew a grapefruit up to the size of the earth the atoms inside would only be the size of a blueberry. We also used the size of a football stadium to show the size of the nucleus. which would be that if we blew that blueberry / atom to the size of a football stadium the nucleus would only be the size of a marble and well everything else in between would just be empty space.

XCC: Systems and system models

During this week I saw a system on how everything in life was because of Chemistry. I saw this system at school learning about chemistry and putting together all the building blocks of life the elements, atoms, molecules, compounds, matter and how it all came together. I saw it at my house when I was doing my chores and it started me thinking of what everything was made out of how it was made. It all came back to chemistry. The simple building blocks of life that everyone learns in fifth grade and it all came down to a simple but big picture, Chemistry. I saw the system of life through the atoms that make everything. I saw systems in the compounds and molecules that were made of atoms that were the reason we have chemistry I saw the systems in every little part of chemistry, every question I answered, and every model and hands on learning experience that we did. I simply saw systems in the working all around me. This is very much why I feel that systems are important, systems are everywhere, and is a great example of how I can take over the world by learning systems. All because we are a living system.


I think that this week I was a cross between a creator and a initiator because I both asked and answered questions. I also think this because I was always willing to give something my best shot and raise my hand in class to answer questions. But I feel like I was an initiator because I was able to start conversations and ask questions about things.

Friday, August 25, 2017

S&EP Quiz Regrade

On my Quiz I got a 6/8 because I answered 2 of the questions wrong.

I got Question 4 wrong which was :
A group of 7th graders creates and analyzes graphs of the data from an investigation about the relationship between a ball's mass and its speed down a ramp.I answered D which was:
 Analyzing and interpreting data The correct answer was E which was :Use Mathematics and computational thinking
I see who this would be correct because they were creating and analyzing graphs from an investigation about the relationship between the ball's mass and its speed down the ramp which is both mathematical and computational thinking.
I also got Question 7 wrong which was:
Students in Mrs. Garcia's class use a class chart of what different animals eat and group the animals in different ways based on their food sources. Students then discuss which animals would be affected if changes occurred to different food sources.I answered E which was:
Using Mathematics and computational thinkingThe correct answer was D which was
 Analyzing and interpreting data I see how this would be right because they made a graph which is analyzing and interpreting data it also did not use Mathematical or Computational thinking.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Why I returned to Adventure

          I Returned to Adventure because I like that it is a hands on learning experience. I also returned because it is a good learning program and experience. I like that we work in groups and do many projects. I also like the fact that it is a stem school because I feel like those are needed and good skills to have and have learned because lots of jobs in the silicon valley require at least one of the skills that is a part of stem. I also like how this program is technology based because our world is becoming more and more technical.

           I also find it very fun because it is a great learning experience because you get to work in a  group for a project practically every week. I also like that it is a magnet school because then 5th and 6th graders get a chance to make friends and learn about middle school and how it works and so they have more of a chance to feel comfortable with the periods in the day and the classes and the teachers instead of coming straight into a big middle school and have to learn how to move from class to class and have to get used to having more than one teacher in a day and having more then one class. This is why I came Back to Adventure.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Urban Village School Edition

The EOY  is our end of the year project is a project that we do school wide just like the charity fair. This project is planned by the teachers every year. This year we did it on Urban Villllages. An Urban Village is a village that has everything you need in one area. It's three components are Work, Live and Play. This end of the year project had three phases. Phase one was to choose a part of the school and redesign it. Then we made our company and mission state ment. Then we got paired with anouther group and they were our clients and we were theirs. So we presented our ideas to each other. Then we started to build each others ideas. We had two weeks to make a model of their redesigned space. Our last and second phase was where we thought about what our school would look like if we turned it into a urban village our school being work play and we did not need live because we are a school. Then we had to find how much our school would cost if we built and furnished it. We had a Budget of $15 million and we had to make a Blue Print to show our layout. Then we had to learn about Urban Villages that could be made in the near future and do they have the seven qualities of life. Then we had to figure out does our Urban Village have the seven qualities of life. Then we had to make a pitch to present our clients idea for redesigning their part of campus. Lastly in science we made a presentation of one clean/green city in the world and what action the took in from a list of 21 actions that make it a clean city. Then we had to find 3 action that our Urban Village was going to have and how we were going to make sure that it would do that.


I did not know much about Urban villages before this project. In fact I didn't know a thing about them, I hadn't even heard of them. Basically all that I knew is that their were places that had almost everything you need in them. I actually went to an Urban Village almost every week. I went to a place on Cottle road. It had appartments, was right next to Kaiser Permanente, had millions of shops and restaurants and parking. 


I got most frustrated and feel most frustrated about the people in my group. Because one of them was always getting off task, one of the was doing things the team didn't want and doing things without asking, and the other person in my group got frustrated with whatever we did, deleted peoples work because he didn't like it, and had times where he didn't talk to the group because he was mad.


I don't think that we did our work like other groups because their were many groups who were doing the library and they made it just a giant rectangle like square and filled that when we did ours a "L" shape and made the walls, so that it was built up.


One think that I want to improve on is probably giving people in my group more to do so that they had more to do and did not get off task. Also I would probably communicate with my team members more. That would help me make sure that everything was going well and done so that I wouldn't have to get stressed out about it.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

EOY Science

                Did you know that their is a set of actions that Cities can do to get to be a 5 star city, A green City? While it turns out their is. Their is a list of 21 actions cities can do or abide by that can make it a clean and energy efficient city. There are 7 parts to it each having three actions that a city can do or relate to. We choose 3 actions that our cities would do if we made a city. Action 14 means that the city passes a law that forces carmakers to create clean cars that don’t release much CO2. We will make sure we are in compliance with this accord by adding only dealerships that sell electrical cars and/or low emission cars like hybrids and by putting chargers for electrical cars at parking lots to encourage using those types of cars. Action 8 means putting recreational places, restaurants, apartments, & grocery stores closer so you can walk or bike to them. We will make sure we are in compliance with this accord by putting bike racks and places to put you bike while you are doing whatever you are doing so that you don’t have to find a place to put it and having bigger bike lanes and sidewalks so that it is safer so more people want to ride their bikes and walk. Action 3 means cutting back on greenhouse  gasses and reducing the chance of global warming. We will make sure we are in compliance with this accord by encouraging less food waste in the landfill so that they produce less methane and using electric trains.


I used Evidence to support my claim when my group and I where choosing what we would do and choose to do in our green city. I used evidence to support my argument when I backed up my choice to action 14. I did this because I believe that it is better to stop the problem before it gets to my city so that we don't have to worry about it.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Acid Rain, Sediment, and Hunting.

Are They Causing It?

Sediment is the dirt and rocks that are carved out of other rocks by erosion and weathering. Weathering and Erosion are when water and wind and well of course weather, where it hits the rocks and over time takes it away. Acid rain believe it or not is the rain we experience almost every week. Their is the is scale called the Ph scale. The Ph scale goes from 1-14 14 being the lowest amount of acid and 1 being the highest. Then their is a special tape that changes color when you put it in the water then you match the color on the tape to the color on the scale. Or every day rain is a 6 on the Ph scale. It is caused when the smoke from our cars and factories gets in the air and then it travels into the water in the air causing it to have chemicals in it.Then this makes the acid. Hunting by humans can cause problems in the ecosystem and the territory. Predators believe it or not change the geography of the place they live in. If their is nothing to hunt the Herbivores then they can eat to much of the resources in their area which can make it dry and bare. But if you add a predator in the mix they can control the amount of herbivores in the area which can give the area more resources. So hunting the predators can harm the whole ecosystem within.

          All three of these things can affect the fish and water life in rivers, lakes, ponds, and oceans near by. Sediment can make the water to warm, murky and muddy. Which causes the fish to not be able to lay eggs and hatch eggs and it can be to warm. The dark water makes it so water plants can't grow. Also it can cause the water life and bugs to suffocate because their is not enough oxygen in the water. Fish can live in a rage of 5-9 on the Ph scale so if their is to much or not enough acid in the water the fish can die off because of the chemicals or because their is not enough for the clean and healthy water that they need. When you hunt the predators in the area (Mountain Lions in this case) That can cause more erosion because of the roots of the plants being torn up can loosen dirt. Then their is logging especially clear cut logging which is when you cut down all the trees and their trunks in one area. This can cause sediment because the trees roots hold down and pact in the dirt but when they are gone the dirt is looser.


We tested the sediment and acid rain levels in the water to see if they were too high or too low for the fish to live in. Then we used this data to try and figure out if the reason that the water was not good for the fish to survive in and off of that we thought about could it possibly be why the fish in the gray area where dieing.

Friday, April 28, 2017


What is a bioindicator? A bioindicator is a living thing that is sensitive to changes in it's habitat. Scientist, Miners, and People use them to test for harmful things that could be in the air, water, or anything around you. Canaries, water fleas, and starfish are just a few examples of bioindicators. Miners used to take Canaries into mines because they were sensitive to harmful gasses. So if your canary suddenly dies well get out of the mine. Scientists can and do use starfish and water fleas to test the water. Just like the canary water fleas are sensitive to chlorine and other chemicals in the water. The starfish is sensitive to heavy metals and tell scientists if there is heavy metal pollution in the water.


I used evidence to define my explanation when we had a class argument on whether the water fleas in the river where dieing because of chlorine or something else. Also when I argued that I do think that the chlorine is killing the fish.

Is there life in Space?

News | The Solar System and Beyond  by JPL - NASA Have you ever watched sci-fi movies where there are aliens or extraterrestrial life, ...